How's the kid?

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Home had a different meaning to Crystal than it had for most people. Home was not a house, it was the people she loved. Through her years working in the Navy, she had lived in dozens of different places both overseas and stateside. Yet, home had always been wherever her parents were, it didn't matter where it was.

That day when she arrived home, Crystal took a minute to observe her nephews playing around in the backyard, smiling to herself. She remembered being this young, playing around with her brother without a care in the world. Looking around she observed the furniture, the photographs, and the things that made a house a home. She missed it, missed this, this certainty.

Crystal loves to fly, always had, and always will. There's not a thing in the world that would make her regret the decision of going to the academy and becoming a fighter pilot. It didn't mean that she couldn't want something different. A family of her own, a home to come to, and stability.

She hears footsteps and turns around to see her mom. Sarah smiles at her and Crystal is quick to accept her mother's embrace.

"How's he today?" Crystal asks when the both of them drift apart.

"The same as yesterday." Sarah answers with a sad half-smile. "He was asking for you."

Crystal nods. "I'll go see him."

Iceman's office is much like the rest of the house—trophies, photographs and awards all over it. When she enters the first thing she sees is him, sitting at his desk working. Crystal smiles to herself. Watching him work almost makes her forget about his illness.


He doesn't notice her at first, but when he does a huge smile appears on his face, so contagious that it makes Crystal's smile grow as well. She walks to him, enjoying the warmth and safety he always provided to her. Crystal kisses his cheek as he points at the chair, a silent order for her to sit down.

Crystal did as he said, pulling a chair to sit down beside him while he tipped.

How was the first day?

"Well, considering that there was a fight in the middle of the class, it was as expected."

He frowned. Fight?

"Yeah." Crystal sighed. "One of the pilots brought up the fact that Mav used to fly with Goose and Rooster didn't react well to that."

It was Iceman's time to sigh.

How's the kid?

Crystal laughed. "You know we both are adults now, right?"

He waved at her, shaking his head. You both will always be kids to me. As is your brother.

Crystal nodded, a playful smile on her face. "Okay, okay." She paused, taking a deep breath. "He's good, dad. Maybe a little too cautious, but good still."


Sighing, Crystal said, "I talked to him. Think he's being overprotective over Rooster. I understand where he comes from, but he needs to let him grow."

Ice hummed, catching her hand in his.

"Maybe you should talk to him." Crystal suggested. "I'm certain Cyclone will give him a hard time after what happened today."

He nodded, observing her for a moment.

"What?" She asked.

I love you, you know that?

"I love you too, dad." Crystal smiled back. "More than anything."

He grinned, typing. Don't let your mom hear that.

Borrowed Time [Bradley Bradshaw]Where stories live. Discover now