Good luck

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Crystal's blood turns cold as she looks at Maverick. He is standing at the end of the stairs in his dress whites, cap in his hand. She knows what he is going to say even before he speaks.

"Cyclone appointed me team leader." He tells her as Crystal reaches the end of the stairs.

She shakes her head to try and focus. "What did you do?"

"I did what you told me to do." He answers. "Show them that the mission can be flown."

"By stealing a multimillion-dollar aircraft, I assume." Crystal rolled her eyes.

Maverick chuckles. "Won't confirm nor deny that."

She smiles but it turns sour quickly. "When?" Crystal asks.

"The day after tomorrow." Maverick answers solemnly. "I'll choose the team tomorrow. That's why I'm here."

Crystal looks at him, feeling her heart tighten.

"No, no." She shakes her head in denial. "I can't fly this mission." Crystal says vehemently. "Not after losing my father, not with the possibility of losing you too. I can't fly like this, I'll be a liability, you know that."


"No." She stresses. "I'll help you any way I can, just don't make me go up there."

Her vision is blurring as tears brim her eyes. Maverick takes a step forward, taking her into his arms. Crystal hugs him tightly.

"I promise I'll.."

She cuts him off "You can't do that." Crystal pulls away from him. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

Maverick nods. "I will."


Laying down on her bed, Crystal hears someone knocking at the door, and then her mother opens it, leaning into the threshold to look at her.

"Are you going?" She asks.

"No." Crystal answers, turning her head to look at her mother.

Sarah nods, entering the room and closing the door behind her. She walks to the bed, leaning down beside Crystal.


Crystal sighs. "Because I won't be me. Not after dad died, not knowing that there's a good chance that this mission can be the last one."

"It's what you do, sweetheart."

Taking a deep breath, Crystal says "I know, I know."

"You're worried about Mav."

Crystal looks at her mother again.

"That's why I can't go."

"I understand." Sarah takes one of Crystal's hands on her own. "You should take a walk. Clear your head." Crystal opens her mouth to protest but her mother cuts her off. "We'll still be here when you get back."


The night air is chilling but Crystal welcomes the cold, it makes her feel alive. The sounds of the ocean make a good job of grounding her, for some reason they always did. Crystal felt at home in the skies, it was her love, her passion, but it was the ocean that reminded her to keep her feet on the ground, feeling the sand in between her toes, the ocean breeze making her shiver.

Crystal wanted to cry but it seemed like there were no more tears left in her, just the overwhelming sadness that washed over her. Her mind was in a whirlwind, she couldn't think straight.

Borrowed Time [Bradley Bradshaw]Where stories live. Discover now