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It took them two days to go back to the base. Crystal was already home, helping her mother with all the paperwork that had to be done now that her father was gone.

She was in the middle of reading one of them when her phone went off. A text from an unknown number.

6 pm tomorrow?

Crystal smiled, it could only be one person.

"Who is it?" Her mother asked.

"Rooster." She answered.


"Yes." Crystal answered, typing an answer.

"You too are getting close again?" Sarah asked, leaning into her elbows expectantly.

Crystal looked up, recognizing the look on her mother's face. "Don't you get any ideas. He's just been a good... friend."

"Didn't say anything." Sarah defended herself, but there was a playful smile on her lips.

"Yeah, but you thought." Crystal huffed.

"Is it so bad that he makes you smile?"

Sighing, Crystal looked down in shame. "It is when it's just a week away from dad's passing."

Sarah nodded in understanding.

"He wouldn't want you moping around, sweetie. Your father would be happy because you're happy."

Crystal swallowed the lump in her throat, unable to hold back the tears anymore.

"Oh, my love." Her mother stood up, standing beside her so Crystal could lean on her, hugging her middle while Sarah threaded her fingers through Crystal's hair. "He knew you loved him. That's what matters."


Crystal was a little weary entering the Hard Deck the next day. There were some officers from the base there already that greeted her as she passed them. Looking around she found Bradley chilling around the pool table. He was talking to Phoenix and Bob, a bottle of beer in his hand and a smile on his lips. The Hawaiian shirt caught her attention bringing a smile to her lips. When he saw her he lit up, quickly stood on his feet and made his way towards her.

"I was unsure if you would show up or not."

"Me too." She confesses, hands in her back pockets, unsure of how to behave. "Here." Crystal says, extending the jacket he landed her the night before the mission.

He took it from her, fingers brushing against hers. They stayed there in a bubble, just looking at each other for a moment until someone bumped into Bradley and got'em out of their daze.

"Let's get you something to drink." He said, lightly placing a hand on her back to guide her to the counter.

"Penny, could you hand me another beer and..." Bradley looked at her in question.

"Make that two." She said, smiling at Penny.

"That's Crystal." Bradley supplies.

"I know." Penny said, smiling back. "How are you doing, dear?"

"Better than yesterday," Crystal answered, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"That's good," Penny answered, handing them their drinks.

"Are you really doing better?" Bradley asked her, concern evident in his voice.

"I'm never sure if I am or not. Sometimes I just forget it happened and expect to find him at home when I arrive back. Sometimes it's just hard to go back to normal life knowing he's not here anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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