fallen off the face of the planet no ship im lazy blahblahblah

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i couldnt fall alseep and wrote this at 2AM so bare with me 

btw sap doesnt live with dream. 


3rd person POV

It was a normal day for Sapnap and George as they were getting ready to film another video. Sapnap made a world and George was setting up his face cam while they were waiting for dream to join the VC. 

It had been a while and George and Sapnap were getting impatient. They had texted Dream the day before to see if he was still up for it and he said he would be there. George pulled out his phone to look for Dreams number to text him but he couldn't find it? 

"Hey sap, could you text Dream and remind him to join? I cant find his number" George said. "What do you mean you cant find it? Idiot. But sure I'll text him" Sapnap said. As Sapnap grabbed his phone and went to his messages he also couldn't find Dreams number. He went onto discord to message Dream from there and it wasnt there either? 

He was getting a little worried so he went to twitter and a trending searches were 'WHERE IS DREAMS ACCOUNT' 'was it deleted' 'PLS I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS'. He went to check all of Dreams other socials and they were all gone. Even his youtube account was gone. "George..? All of Dreams socials are gone and I cant find his number. Whats going on" Sapnap said. 

"What is this a prank? Dream wouldn't do this, call his mom. " (idk how sap has dreams moms number pls dont ask) Sapnap agreed and called Dreams mom to find out that he hadn't spoke to her in 2 months. So, Sapnap agreed to going to Dreams house to check on him. 


Finally after a long car ride, Sapnap had made it to Dreams house. All the lights were off and Dreams car was in the driveway. Sapnap got out of his car and walked up to the door and knocked. 

No answer. It was dead silent. 

"Dream!? You here? I see your car in the driveway!" Sapnap yelled at the door. "If you dont come out..Uh..I-Ill break this door down!" He said with a stutter. No answer

He backed up, and ran at the door which flew off its hinges. He located a lightswitch in the dark house which turned on the living room and kitchen lights.  He walked slowly around the house checking everywhere that Dream could be. He noticed a ruffled  up rug that looked like Dream could have slipped on but other wise the house was very clean. Patches automatic food bowl was full so it must had been filled a couple days before. He soon found patches in a guest bedroom who looked very relieved to see Sapnap and he carried her around the house as protection from anything that was in this house. 

He soon made it to Dreams bedroom which was empty, with scattered clothes everywhere and it looked like it was attacked by a tornado. The drawers were flung open like he was looking for something. Until, he found a credit card that wasnt in Dreams name. 

'Walter Rodrick' was the name on the card. Someone who he had never heard of. He found dreams phone cracked under a dresser and he opened it. It had 911 in the dial but their wasnt an attempt made to call it. 

Suddenly, it hit him. He was kidnapped and all of his socials were deleted to get rid of any evidence of him. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. 

"911 Whats your emergency" 


It had been 2 years since Clayton wastaken was reported missing. A search team was sent out to find him but he was never found. Most had gotten over it, like his friends but they are still sensitive to the topic. The police had told them that he was now pronounced dead and the case was closed and so, they continued on with their life. 


Location: Brighton, Sussex


Wilbur was going to a local coffee shop he had been to multiple times so he could finish filming a video he was working on. He put his stuff down on a table next to a window and he went to the counter to order something. 

"Hi can I take your order" He heard a very familiar voice say. His head shot up from his phone faster than the speed of light to look at this person. "Dream..!?" The person froze. "Wilbur..?" the person said. "Dream what the fuck are you doing here I thought you went missing!?" Wilbur shouted. "Holy shit holy fuck I must have not taken my meds because I'm  hallucinating again" Wilbur said. 

"Uhm.. noIm real I think" Dream said with an awkward chuckle. "No your going on your break and coming with me right now" Wilbur said whilst taking Dreams hand and making him sit down at the table he was previously at. 

"Why didn't you tell us you were back and first of all, where did you go!?" Wilbur asked. "well, I was kidnapped in my room because of a stalker but I escaped after a year so I didn't wanna be a burden coming back into your guys' life with little to no explanation so I have just been moving around the place." Dream said. 

"Dream you are no burden to us! We have been so worried especially since the police pronounced you as dead. " Wilbur spoke. "Well, would you like to contact your friends and get your life back? You could move in with me and ill give you a setup, everything you need. We all miss you a lot and it would help with financial problems. " Wilbur saif trying to convince Dream to get back into Streaming. 

"Well... I guess I could try" Dream said giving in. "FUCK YEA LETS GO!" Wilbur shouted. 


yayayayayay new chapter yayyayayayyay

enjoy their will be a part two tmmr or in 2 months ill decide tmmr

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