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A/N- sorry if you think I'm writing  too many fan fics at once, but um, Yh...

This is dedicated to Captain Niall because of the joy heaven has given me



"Hey, tommo!" Ash said  out of nowhere, ending their previous conversation.

"Erm, yeah?" Louis said, confused.

"You've got shooting , huh?" Louis nodded "good luck with that one, mate. If you get on styles' nerves he'll shoot you!"  Ash said laughing and then he just  walked away, followed by Zayn.

This is gunna happen a lot now, isn't it?

"Come on then tommo," Harry said, making fun of the blue-eyed boys new nickname. Louis fake laughed and stuck his tongue out at Harry. "Real mature,"

The pair walked over to the shooting targets.

Louis didn't really know what everyone meant by 'shooting' but this was unexpected. Instead of normal targets like Louis had seen in the past, it was sillohettes of people different distances from the guns. Real ones, not safety rifles. This is really dangerous. 

But then again, Louis had to be reminded he was working with a mafia here.

"You gunna give it a go?" A voice that I recognised said to me.

"Payno!" Harry cheered before I could reply. "And yes, he will,"

"Hold up!" Louis sassed, causing Harry to roll his eyes. "I'm not-"

"Yes you are," Harry said "self defence"

"From who?" Louis laughed sarcastically "you?"

"Louis," Liam warned, seeing that somebody (likely Louis) was gunna get hurt.

"Listen to him," said Harry, teeth gritted.

"Fuck off!"


"What are you gunna do Payno," spat Louis.

"LOUIS FUCKING TOMLINSON!" Liam shouted, shocking Louis and Harry. "Grab the fucking gun and do the fucking shooting,"

"I, um, I don't know how to..."

"It's easy," Harry said m walking over to there the guns were and gesturing for Louis to follow him. Louis did, not without an eye roll though. Harry picked a gun up and showed Louis how to aim and use the guns, before shooting it and hitting slightly off bullseye (straight on the silhouette's heart)  The gun had silencers so that it wouldn't attract people to the mafia workplace.

Then Louis took a gun and did exactly what Harry told him to before aiming and pulling the trigger. It hit straight at the bullseye, closer than even Harry's. The trio just stood there in a shocked silence.

"Have you done this before?" Liam asked, looking very surprised.

"I did a lot of archery... I've never used a gun before,"

"You weren't surprised that it looked like, um, people?"

"I don't know,"

"Beginners luck," decided Harry.

Louis, Liam and Harry continued with the shooting and Louis did exceptionally good, almost at the same level as Harry. Maybe even better than Liam!

Louis had been wondering where Luke was, as he was Liam's slave, like Louis was to Harry. He wasn't going to ask though.

"You're really good, Louis" said Liam after they had finished. Louis smiled and mumbled something like 'thanks' while Harry just scoffed.


Harry had a meeting next so Louis hanged out outside with Niall, Ash, Lottie, fizzy and luke who had appeared out of nowhere. Daisy and Phoebe were giggling with each otter on the other side of the room.

"So, you all know about our story," Louis said, pointing at himself and his sisters. "What is yours?"

Niall spoke up first.

"I was born and raised in Ireland, and I moved to England and wanted to be a spy. I was young, foolish and weak so they just made me a servant,"

"My whole family have been working here for centuries," ash said smiling, as if remembering something "I guess I'm stuck with it!"

"I don't talk about mine," said Luke bitterly. So bitterly that no one was going to argue with him but it really made Louis wonder.


Chapter 3 guys! Kind of a filler and I'm not proud of it. It's a lot shorter and they will likely be shorter since I'm posting a lot more often.

Thanks for reading and comment and vote if you want to 💚💙

Abi x

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