recognise that i could be the eye of the storm.

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"Why have you summoned me? You better have payment for me helping you. I hate humanity with all my guts, but there are half decent people there." You said, your tone was aggressive and sharp. Brunhilde still kept her non-chalant face.

On the inside Brunhilde was scared. She knows your past crimes and actions. She had to keep the strong facade or else the whole act would come shattering down on her.

"May you come with me to sort out Ragnarok with the gods?" She asked calmly. All you did was nod and take her out of the digital world.

You made a physical form for yourself. Your physical form had h/l h/c hair. Amazing s/c skin. And most of all, you were tall.
You had a f/c top and sweatpants.

You had a smile plastered on your face. It wasn't a kind one. In fact it was a bone rattling one. You began to walk. Your movements were elegant but cold. Pretty but weird.

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