baldi x salad fingers

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Baldi threw salad fingers on the bed, "you dissobodyed my orders and yoy got the easiest math problem wrong, you deserve a punishment" baldi says walking away from the bed and going to the closet, pulling some long, red rope out. " I-I'm sorry baldi I-" he was cut off by baldi walking up to him kissing him as his hands traveled down pulling his shirt and pants off in the process,until he was to his boxers. he pulls his boxers down and starts to violently suck his penis, making salad fingers arch his back and moan.He suddenly stops, making salad finger whimper. "w-...why did you stop?" salad finger asks while looking at baldi tie his wrist to the bed, not answering his question. Baldi started taking his clothes until he was at his boxers.he started pulling them down slowly and started touching himself , salad fingers whimpered."I did say this was punishment, yes? you're gonna have to sit there and watch". He did it for another five minutes until baldi grew bored of it, lifting salad fingers legs onto his shoulders, he starts thrusting into him roughly making salad finger moan loudly. Salad fingers tried to hide his moans, but failed miserably as baldi slapped his ass. Salad fingers feels baldi cum inside him as he pulls out.

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