Burger king x Arbys

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Idk why i keep doing this

"I don't want you burger king.." Arby's said, backing away from the meat monster. He felt weak, vulnerable. Who would've known that a man he once considered a friend could turn out so evil.

"Do you know what I'd do for you? Do you know what I *have* done for you? I made sure you looked through the world through rose colored glasses, this world can and WILL hurt you Arby's". In that moment, Arby's stared at burger king in disbelief. "You are MINE..Do you understand that? I'd kill every person in this damn country if it means keeping you away from their cruel hands. I have to keep your purity. What's out there ain't pretty".

"Why do you speak like you're any better Burger king?" Arby's says "You're just as cruel as them. This isn't love..not even close. You wouldn't chip a birds wings so they wouldn't fly away would you?" "YES!..I'd break every damn bone in your body if it meant you staying...YOU CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE ME!!" Arby's tries to run away, but burger king grabs his arm and pulls him close. "I'll always love you..you know that right..? I don't mean to scare you, that's just what love does-" "YOU DARE SPEAK OF LOVE?" Arby's pushes him, causing burger king to bang his head on the wall behind him "you don't know what you're doing Arby's. I'll keep to safe, no matter the cost"

"I didn't wanna do this burger king..really.." Arby's grabs to glass cup and slams it onto the table, and picks up a large piece of glass. He then stabs burger king in the stomach. "...Wha..' burger king falls to the floor "what have I done...I can't be seen like this!"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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