Chapter 14: i want to help

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So your the moth man that Adrian always talks about.

Yes? Gabriel says

It's good to see you again plagg.

You too nooroo.

What dose Adrian say about me.

He says that "more than anything he wants to understand why you do what you do"


Gabriel it's ok.

I know nath.
I wanna help you.

How are you Gonna help me. I'm unhelpable.

No don't say that. I'm gonna help you get better if it's the last thing I do.

Why do you care about me so much?

*Because I love you. What! Love... I do I do love her. Now isn't the right time tho. I'll tell her when I feel she's in the right state.
Because you've always been there for me and Adrian that's why.

I'm not worth your time.

Yes you are! Why is it so hard for you to believe that!

I.... I don't know.

We need a plan.

To do what?

To finish this.

What. Nathalie!

I... I want to stop this!


Because I. Because I love you.

What.... Nathalie's voice trembled

I said I love y-

I know what you said it's just!... if this a game it's not funny!

I'm not playing at anything. I'm being serious.

Stop! Nathalie starts walking away

No I won't stop! I  finally realized what I need to be happy. You!

You insane if you think I can make you happy!

No I'm not!

Oh for fucks sake Gabriel, how do you even know this so love! You don't know the first thing about it!

I know but I know this time...

Your a famous fashion designer, I'm your assistant!
What part of this doesn't scream impossible!

All of it dose! I don't care about it tho! I want to be with you!

Shut. Up!

No I won't! I won't be quiet about this anymore!

Shut up! Now!

No! I love you Nathalie!

Nathalie pulled Gabriel's tie down to her level and kissed him to shut him up.

Gabriel was shocked

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