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    mainly minsung chapter. ⚠️TW creepy character this the only time he really appears though⚠️


    "Fuck my head..." Felix muttered, when he woke up.

   "Good morning, sleeping beauty. I made pancakes."

    "I shouldn't have had those couple shots of tequila."

  Hyunjin chuckled.

   "Did I do anything stupid?" Felix asked.

   That hurt a little.

  "Besides calling me hot while working, no." Hyunjin told him, handing him the plate that had a couple pancakes on it.

   Felix whined slightly, "Why aren't you hungover?"

   "Because I didn't have four shot of tequila."

   Felix flipped Hyunjin off, Hyunjin ruffled Felix's hair with a small laugh.


  "Mom, I love him!"

  "He isn't good! Your father and I don't want you seeing him!"

  Jisung clicked his tongue.

  "Dad would have been perfectly fine with Minho. Who isn't fine with Minho is that jackass and you!"

  "Jisung, your mother and I are in agreement, you shouldn't see Minho."

  "You really need to stay out of this, you aren't my dad and you have no say in what I do." Jisung stated.

    Jisung's parents caught wind of  Minho and Jisung still seeing each other, which led to them confronting Jisung and then this.

"That is no way to talk to your dad!" Jisung's mother said.

  "I will say it until I am out of breath, my dad left you because you are controlling and manipulative, the man next to you is not my dad and you've only been married to him for one year. Honestly dude, run while you can." Jisung said.

   "Jisung!" His mother screeched.

  "I'll be a bitch, honestly. Because I am fucking tired. You took everything from me, my phone, my laptop, my privacy, you tried taking the guy I love from me, tried taking my best friend for things he couldn't control!"

  "Felix is bad for you! That whole family is!"

  Jisung scoffed.

  "You wanna know who else is bad for me? Your husband who is the same age as my Boyfriend's best friend! Felix is not just his family! He is an amazing best friend and his mother is amazing. Neither of them could control his piece of shit dad! Felix was six in hospitals every other week, so was his sister, and so was Jieun! You cannot define them by someone who hurt them."  Jisung stated.

  "He is still your father.!"

  Jisung shook his head feeling absolutely defeated.

  "I'm done with you and with him."

  "Where are you going to go, huh? Your "dad" is in Chicago, you have no place to go." His mother said.

     "I have a lot of places to go, I just don't want to be here anymore." Jisung said grabbing his phone and coat.

   "What are you going to go live with that alpha?" Jisung's stepdad asked.

  "Yeah, because he respects me and loves me." Jisung stated leaving.


    Minho closed his book and stood up from his couch when he heard a knock at his apartment door.

   "Coming!" He called out.

   He didn't, however, expect to see he boyfriend crying.

   "Jisung? What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

    "I left."

  "You left?" Minho asked confused.

   "I got into an argument with my my and stepdad about you and I just couldn't be there any longer. I couldn't handle her stupid fucking husband and her controlling me, I just couldn't." Jisung said, as Minho pulled him into their apartment.

   Minho was about to speak, but something with Jisung's words caught his attention.

   "What's wrong with her husband?"

   "He's just creepy... after I stupidly called my mother to tell her that I love you, he suggested taking my bedroom door off and she went with it and I just can't deal, so can I please stay here? If you don't want me to I can stay with Lix and Jieun."

   "You can stay here Jisung, I don't want you near that place, not without me at least."

   "I have to get my stuff at some point." Jisung mumbled.

  "When you do, I'll go with you and we'll ask the others to help too." Minho told him.

   Jisung nodded and hugged Minho.

  "Thank you, Min…"

   Minho hugged Jisung back and kissed his forehead, "Anything for you, Hannie. I love you so much."

  Jisung sniffled, "I love you so much."


I'm not sure if I like this chapter or not. I mean I like the minsung, but I don't know, thoughts?

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