Chapter 32

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Third person pov:

I'm sor-ry for leaving you m-y son, please for-give your stupid mother..."

"....I love you, tae"

Taehyung was crying while holding Mrs Kim's hand, who was just walking toward a bright white light,

Taehyung fall down on his knees while tightening his grip on his mother's hand,

"Mo-m please don't lea-ve me , I can't live wit-hout you ple-ase mom..."

"Please..." Taehyung let out a hard sob when Mrs Kim cupped his face, he tried to hug his mother, but Mrs Kim didn't let him,

"Tae, son listen to me bub please" tears were flowing down like river from Taehyung's eyes but he nodded his head,

"Son, I have to go  and it's not like that I am leaving you, I will always be there for you in your heart, you just have to call me" Mrs Kim caressed Taehyung's fluffy blonde hairs as he was laying his head on Mrs Kim's lap,

"And from now on you have to live for Jungkook, he love you so much and I know you also love him, so don't pull your self back just show how much he meant for you, hmm?" Mrs Kim kissed Taehyung's forehead,

"M-om I will , but I nee-d you with me , can't you st-ay with me please " Taehyung sobbed,

"No, tae my time has arrived, I have to go but always remember mom loves you so much like so much" Mrs Kim kissed Taehyung's every feature, who closed his eyes but when he realised that his mother was again walking toward same direction as previous, she shouted from his lung,


Jungkook wake up suddenly when he heard loud shouts from beside him,

He abruptly  sat down on bed and pull shouting and crying Taehyung on his lap, who was wiggling out of his grip,

"MOM , M-MOM" Taehyung was crying and shouting for his mother,which is broke Jungkook's heart,

"Love, l-love get up please" Jungkook said while trying to hold wiggling Taehyung,

Taehyung was not opening his eyes, he was just shouting while throwing his hands and legs around,

Jungkook tried to control Taehyung but at last he just shaked Taehyung with his full strength, who wide opened his teary eyes,

"M-mom..." Taehyung look around but when he saw worried Jungkook, he cried out even louder,

"Koo mo-m left me ,she left m-e here" Taehyung said while clutching Jungkook's grey sweatshirt,

"Cub calm down, please" Jungkook rub Taehyung's back while holding him closer to his chest,

Jungkook panicked when he heard Taehyung's uneven breathing,

"Love look up, look at me" Jungkook put his index finger under younger's chin and make him look at him,

"Now take breath in slowly and relise it out slowly like me, hmm" Jungkook inhaled and exhaled while Taehyung was following him,

After sometime Taehyung was breathing normally but tears were still wetting his already red cheeks due to crying,

Jungkook was rubbing his bare back because Taehyung was only wearing sports bra ,he rub his back while speaking ensuring words in his ear, he was leaving soft kisses on his forehead time to time,

"Koo.." after a long time of pure silence Taehyung whispered,

"Yes love , I am here" Jungkook assured him,

"Koo will you also lea-ve me like m-om does?" Jungkook felt a pang on his heart, he know that Mrs Kim's death had broken Taehyung from his core but he didn't expected that much that Taehyung will felt like that Jungkook will also leave him,

"Taehyung look at me" Jungkook said in soft voice but his face was void of any emotions,

Taehyung look up at him with his teary swollen eyes,

"I will never ever leave you, only death can apart us but I will give a strong fight to it also and how can I live without my heart?" Jungkook said his heart out, he know Taehyung need assurity,

"I love you,koo" Taehyung smiled through his tears , his mom was right that he have to live for his Jungkook, who love him mote than himself,

"I love you more" there is no doubt that Jungkook loves Taehyung more,

Jungkook was rocking Taehyung back and forth while humming a melody, Taehyung was just enjoying warmth of Jungkook,

He was remembering how happy he was just one day before, but now he lost his mother,

He was remembering all the events of day before yesterday, how they left house with unconscious Mrs Kim, what Mrs said before she left them, how Taehyung lost his consciousness and how he slipped into headspa....

Headspace!!! How c-an.... I am a lit-tle....

Taehyung's Breath hitched when he remembered how he slipped into headspace, yes he know that he is little, he remembered everything from hospital to last night kiss events,tears again formed up in corner of his grey orbs,

W-will Jungkook lea-ve me beca-use of i am a right he said he will nev-er lea-ve me?.....Right?

Jungkook felt Taehyung's body stiffen under his palm, he pull Taehyung away when he heard quite sobs,

"Love, what happens?" Jungkook again pull Taehyung to his chest who cried hard on Jungkook's shoulder,

"Tell me what happened?" Jungkook asked , he is controlling himself from breaking down infront of Taehyung, he have to strong for Taehyung,

"I-I so-rry" Taehyung's voice came out as a mumble because he is snuggling into Jungkook,

"Sorry, for what, why are you sorry bub, you did nothing" Jungkook said with frown as why Taehyung is apologizing,

"I a-m wr-ong for bei-ng a little" Taehyung said while facing Jungkook, who was just looking at Taehyung,

"No, being a little is not wrong thing it's not in your hands and one more thing don't you ever think about me leaving you because of this or anything, because there is nothing in this world which can stop me from loving you, understand" Jungkook utter in serious voice, Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, he know that Jungkook love him very much but his insecurities are not helping him at all,

Jungkook let Taehyung to sleep on above on him, he was rubbing his back and speaking ensuring words all night,




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