Chapter 7

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Author's provision

Jungkook took Taehyung toward guest room and this time Taehyung didn't ignored the elegancy of beautiful architect,

Taehyung was gawking at paintings that were hang on the walls of hallway, floor was pure white Taehyung was afraid that he will stain the untainted white floor,

Jungkook push the wooden door and motion Taehyung to enter first, with a small thanks Taehyung entered and Jungkook followed him,

"That is bathroom, there is everything you need and one second..." Jungkook disappeared in bathroom, Taehyung was looking around the room, it was very beautiful more that any room in Park mansion,

"Sit there." Taehyung was pulled out of his thoughts when Jungkook appeared with first aid kit in his hand,

Taehyung sat down on bed and maintaining safe distance Jungkook also sat down,

"why You didn't applied any ointment on your wound?" Jungkook said while cleaning Taehyung's busted lip and Taehyung was looking at Jungkook more like checking his perfect face,

He is more handsome in real life, cheeslide jawline, perfect nose, dark brown eyes and lips.... Kim Taehyung pull yourself together boy .. Taehyung slapped himself,

Jungkook cleared his throat to gain Taehyung's attention who was still drilling hole in Jungkook's face with his grey orbs,

Good, you stupid,he caught you staring at him shamelessly... Taehyung's face became red due to embarrassment,

"You didn't answer?"

"Huh?.. oh I di-dn't have time, Mrs Park asked us to make m-eal for guest so that's why..." Taehyung slapped himself for stuttering,

Electrifying sensation ran between Taehyung's blood when Jungkook warm fingers come into contact with his soft lips, it's not the first time Jungkook touched him, he touched him firstly at park mansion but at that time he was not in situation to feel anything due to messed up situation,

"Here , take this medicine, it will reduce your pain." Jungkook handed medicine to Taehyung,

Again an awkward silence spread in between both of them, which was ended by Jungkook,

"Taehyung, I know it's very difficult for you to take decision but please give a thought to this marriage proposal and belive me , I'll never let you regret if you consider this proposal." Soft voice of Jungkook was full of sincerity and honesty, Taehyung nodded and Jungkook walkout of room not before giving a hopeful smile to Taehyung,

Taehyung was conflicting with his internal self, his mind was asking him not to believe Jungkook because it's not possible for person like Jungkook to consider Taehyung as a best choice, where his heart was pleading him to for once just once consider honesty in Jungkook's eyes,

Taehyung took a deep sigh and walk toward washroom to take a shower,

Jungkook was passing one the guest room when he heard sobs and whimpers,

He opened the door only to catch sight is same lady who was in middle of road with Taehyung,

She must be Taehyung's mother. Jungkook thought and walk toward lady , who became silent when , she took Jungkook's apperance,

Mrs Kim tried to stood up but she failed and was about to fall when Jungkook saved her from getting hurt,

"Carefull, Mrs Kim...?" Jungkook asked and Mrs Kim nodded, Jungkook make Mrs Kim to sit on bed,

"Hello, Mrs Kim, my name is
Jeon Jungkook.'' Jungkook introduced himself and Mrs Kim chuckled at Jungkook's action because who don't who him,

"I know you, son." Jungkook felt warmth spread in his heart at son word,

"Can y-ou tell me why I am here and where is my son?" She stammered and scared for his son,

"He is in another room and for your first question, I want to ask something..." Jungkook was scared a successful business man was scared to ask a mother for his son's hand for marriage,

"I-I want to marry Taehyung." Jungkook whispered while looking down and expecting for lady to shout at him,

"Come here." But she asked him to sit beside her with very soft voice,

Jungkook sat beside her and Mrs Kim took Jungkook's hand in her trembling one,

"Can I ask you why?" She asked there is no anger in her voice,

"I want him to be my life partner because he is such a pure person, I want to protect him from whole world and I am feel that this decision of my life will be best decision." Jungkook said this time while holding an eyes contact with Mrs Kim, she smiled at Jungkook's confession,

"From me it's yes." And Jungkook was surprised but nonetheless he hugged Mrs Kim out of happiness,

"Thank you, thank you Mrs Kim, I promise I will be best choice for your son." Jungkook said and pulled back after realising a motherly warmth from Mrs Kim,

"Jungkook-shii , I want you to know about Taehyung's past before your final decision." Mrs Kim squeezed Jungkook's hand, Jungkook nodded her to continue,

"My tae is an angel but a broken one." Jungkook frown at Mrs Kim,

"It was 10 years ago , when we live in Busan , he was such a happy soul but a monster took his happiness away from him and the person was non other that his own father." She said anger was visible in her teary eyes, Jungkook know that Taehyung is not in touch with his father but he don't know why and what Mrs Park said before was not helping him to think straight, he was afraid of what is coming,

"That monster tried to molest my little Taehyung physically with one of his friends." And darkness was what that Jungkook's eyes were holding, he was considering to kill those bastards who put their filthy hand on
his Taehyung,

"At that darkest day he was playing with his friends and my husband was drinking with his friend in living room, Taehyung was very beautiful, he ha-ve some bod-y parts of wo-man also.." She look for any question in Jungkook's eyes but there was none of them, he was very open minded person,

"I was unknown to his intentions, when Taehyung came back and went to take bath, they both followed him an-d..." She choked on her tears and Jungkook's heart was aching for Taehyung who had to go through from this,

"You don't have to tell me, this will never gonna change my mind, this or anything couldn't change my decision regarding Taehyung." Jungkook said and determination was their in his voice,

"No, I want you to know , but they didn't get successful in their intentions as Taehyung hit them , God knows how, but after that day we left from there and that was the day I watched my Taehyung in lifeless body.''

Jungkook was fighting with his rage not to explode in front of Mrs Kim, he hugged Mrs Kim , he can't even think about what Taehyung had gone through,

"I think that's the reason why I want to protect him,I promise, I will never gonna hurt Taehyung, I will put him first before myself also." Jungkook said and Mrs Kim patted his back,

"And one mor-e thing Taeh-yung is inte-rsex" Mrs Kim thought that this will change Jungkook's mind but no, he was fully determined to marry his first crush,

"Mrs Kim, there is nothing in this world, which can stop me from marrying Taehyung"

" I will be happy if he will say yes." Jungkook smiled and at same time his phone ranged , he pulled out and it was Mr Min,




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