Chapter 1: An Amazing Fantasy Awaits

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The best days in the Kanto Region were always clear and sunny to people. The sun shone upon the cities, seas, forests, and deserts as wild Pokémon roam about. The flowers were blooming in the light from the warmth the star gave off. The region was always beautiful, but it was days like this that made the land feel like a paradise.

For many, it was another beautiful day, but for some, it didn't mean anything. And for people in Intihar elementary particularly, it was just another day to get beat up. A young boy stood up with fists raised ready to defend himself. Every day he would get jumped for lunch money by his fellow students, and no matter what, he would always lose. However, he wasn't ready to simply let them beat him up for laughs. Despite his will to fight, he was shaking nervously seeing them approaching him with fists raised, as he spoke.

"P-P-Please, leave me alone!" The young boy begged. Tears streamed down his cheeks as the three boys that looked to be around his age stood in front of him laughing. "W-why are you being so mean to me?"

"Aww, is puny Tommy gonna cry?" One of the boys continued to laugh.

Next to the boys were a small furry chimp creature and a tiny bird creature. The boys and Pokémon all laughed their butts off, seeing Tommy begging to simply be left alone. Tommy shed more tears but was ready to fight. He was sick and tired of being bullied by those jerks every single day. It had been like this for as long as he could remember, and he didn't know why they were so rude to him. He always went home crying, but he was sick of it. This time, he was going to show them that he wasn't some punching bag to laugh at.

One of the boys rolled his eyes and grabbed the young boy by the collar of his shirt. The boy didn't care about Tommy's feelings, and in fact, he enjoyed watching him crying like a baby. He didn't hate him or anything, but the boy just thought he and his friends were better than everyone at his school. They were all the most popular kids, but the popularity among the other students quickly went to their heads. Now, they bullied whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

Some of the other kids watched while it was going on, and some of them were chuckling. Others were busy playing in the playground or with some of the school's Pokémon, while Tommy was being beaten. The teachers were busy supervising everyone playing with the creatures to pay attention to everything that was going on. Which for Tommy was truly unfortunate, and that he didn't have anyone to count on for support.

Tommy continued to shed tears while he heard some of the laughing that occurred nearby. The bully meanwhile narrowed his eyes, annoyed, and said,

"Now then, how about you fork over the cash, and beat it!" He demanded.

The bully pushed Tommy down to the ground. He landed on his back, while the other two bullies walked toward the helpless boy and began kicking him. Hard. The young boy tried to catch the kicks being thrown at him, but he was being hit from all sides. He winced and cried as the kicks hit his back, his arms, legs and even his face. The bully's Mankey threw a few kicks and the Spearow pecked his arm with its sharp beak, which only made Tommy shed more tears.

Tommy tried to defend himself, but he was knocked back, lying on the sand. He began crying again, while the bullies just laughed at his misery. Tommy didn't try to fight back at this point. It was pointless. He just shed tears, while he heard laughter coming from all around him. His fellow students, bullies and even the Pokémon. The teachers or faculty didn't even bother to come and help. This made Tommy feel even worse. Why did this have to happen to him? Why does it feel like no one likes him?

"I want my mommy!" He whimpered.

Suddenly, a weird noise was just heard.


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