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Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. And while Aquarius can often be found planning a revolution or proudly flaunting their funky fashion sensibility, they also have an often overlooked sensitive side that requires appreciation, support, and love. Every Aquarian is a rebel at heart: These air signs don't mesh well with authority-figures, let alone any institution that represents tradition and long-standing convention. Free-spirited and eccentric, you can often spot this air sign through their offbeat fashion sensibilities, unusual hobbies, and nonconformist attitude No matter the zodiac sign, Aquarians are drawn to lovers who aren't afraid to break the rules... or, at the very least, don't mind Aquarius' steadfast commitment to the cause. Some people find them aloof or cold, but they just keep their emotions more buttoned down than most. The trick with Air signs is engaging their brain before their bits. They have to be mentally aroused, for their body to follow suit. But, do that, and they're as red-hot and freaky as any of the signs.

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