A Wildchild

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*for the rest of this story I will refer to her has my mom since that's what I really called her*

The guys go back downstairs and throughout the day, they brought in pretty much all the heavy furniture. Ironically they left me with my moms 12  hand carved mahogany chairs that leave an ugly scratch at the slightest nick.

                                                            *not exactly these, nut you get the jist*

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                                                            *not exactly these, nut you get the jist*

When they we're done I guess they had already talked to my aunt and left because I didn't even notice they had, my mom just came in and locked the door with no one following behind her. I don't remember too much that day. All I can remember is unpacking, eating and trying to remember his face for as long as I can because I know when I wake up tomorrow his face will be fucking impossible to piece together as if it was nearly a figment of my imagination. It didn't help that he didn't come over as much after that and the only time he did is when Erin came over and needed someone to smoke with. Usually that would be a sign that he might be a little old for me, but as a teenager who smoked, age never occurred to me while seeing other people smoke. He was probably about 16 turning 17 if not 17 at the time I was a freshman so I was about 14-15. I was a very nosy child, or as my mom would say; a busy body. Whatever it is, I wanted to know the who's, what, when, where, how's and why's . As a result I spent the rest of the evening unpacking trying to figure out more about him since I could barely remember his name. I loved discovering people- and not in a creepy stalker way. I liked it because not only did it keep me occupied, it helped me associate with people without the radio silence from figuring out what to talk about. That way it was an easy click and we got along, if we didn't click right away it was fine too. Till this day it still helps a ton.

We lived there for about a year with no WiFi, and as someone who loved their electronics that much I used the guest wifi from the apartment complex that was just behind our building. You could see the building from my window but the trees would get in the way every season before they were cut down from time to time. I loved that place, food everywhere, shopping center just a few feet from us and my friends would come over even if they weren't supposed to. The usual reckless teen vaping, ditching and coming home late cuz I was hanging out with people my mom never approved of. My mom's boyfriend moved in not too long after we moved. Soon after they decided we needed something bigger with thicker walls and we moved again in Long Beach for the 4th time. It was a gated community and they had some pretty petty rules that went against what my mom loved to do; grill, workout at night, and have multiple dogs. the place was a bit bigger than the sovereign and there was a washer and dryer on the balcony instead of way on the top floor. My room had its own starter walk in closet, sink with a cabinet and a bathroom that connected to a door separate from the one u enter my room through. My mom liked the exterior suburban look with a warm southern interior, and to be honest her homely style is starting to grow on me as well as her cooking. This place is much closer than the hour and thirty minute walk to and from school, and had the perfect foodie pit stops on the way. My mom worked about thirty- forty-five minuets away and she worked full time and overnight, so when she would work, Erin drove her to work so that he can go smoke with his cousin. Not long after we moved in I went back to my ways getting in trouble, taking raunchy pictures on snapchat and running a muck with my group of friends while my sweet 16 was just around the corner.  may have not been the smartest idea but it was damn sure fun. While my mom was at work, he started bringing his cousin to stay and smoke and chill in the house, or his cousin would drive over when they would fight and my mom would take the car. When he did I found any and every excuse to leave my room just too see his face or just make some sort of sly "hot" appearance. As a person more on the submissive person my method of seduction is teasing; making guys feel hot and bothered while not doing much of anything that was something i noticed i did a lot. With little knowledge of if i was doing it or not, i tried my luck and apparently it was working; when Erin would leave the room he would look at me subtlety. The hairs on the back of my neck stood, giving me a chill letting me know he was staring at me. It made me tense.. i liked that.

Eventually, the more he came over the more comfortable I was going in and out of my room. Even got to talking enough to where I got his socials. Wasn't too much said between us when mom and her boyfriend were around besides the usual how was your day ect. The same cant be said for through the phone at least, i teased and he fell for it 18 and saying yes to everything, even got me food. Buckling at the knees to the simplest things gave me a sense of both dominance and submission that I absolutely cherished. All the while keeping this whole charade secret from both my mom and Erin, I was making my own toys, buying toys and using body massagers to fill that void when id lay down at night. Though both of my eyes are closed, I see and feel as if this lucid dream has become real within an instant: the smell of his cologne mixed with the scent of a freshly burned cherry gelato surrounding my body, the softness of the curls his hands feeling me from the bottom up, the tossing and turning between black sheets, doing things no teenage girl should be thinking about doing. The empty apartment and within that 1 hour to and from would us time to pick me up, caressing whatever parts of my body where available. Carrying me around and feeling my body temperature rise as he kisses me from the neck down. I dreamt of times where i have the house to myself, giving me the freedom of doing it anywhere and everywhere in the house, unfortunately, my imagination of him in my mind was way better than how he actually ended up becoming and not just in a sexual way, as a person he ended up being rude, ABSOLUTELY creepy and in his words bothersome. For someone with a tense and intimidating presence, the two minutes in the back of a what seemed like a 2013 Nissan was mediocre compared to the scenarios in me head. The random pop ups, jacking off in front of my window after i clearly said no, the stealing of my vapes and wax pens, refusing to take me places my mom told him to take me causing me to walk and the embarrassment of him telling my mom and his boyfriend that he just wanted to fuck gave me a sense of dismay that almost made me feel unsafe. Unfortunately a let myself be deflowered by a total weirdo but you can say it was the sprouting of a wild child.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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