The Elite 4

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 One Month Ago...

     God why are coffee shops so hard? D-doppio..? What the hell is a Doppio? Why is there so much English on this? This is what I get for letting Yuyu choose today... Staring up at the menu board in a mixture of distress and confusion, Hado found herself unaware of the girl creeping up behind her.


     "Agh! Dammit Yuyu, why'd you have to go and do that?! In public no less!" Hado stood over the girl and made her irritation apparent, which somehow only served to make her laugh harder. "We're almost in high school, aren't we a little too old for things like that?" Taking a moment to compose herself, she patted Hado's shoulder gently.

     This was Yuyu, Hado's best friend. The two met in their first year of middle school after Hado had sneezed and accidentally blasted her with her quirk (and took her out to lunch to make it up to her). It turned out they were the only two from their dingy middle school with plans to go to U.A. high, which gave them something to bond over. Yuyu aimed to be a part of the support course since she claimed her quirk wasn't suited for hero work. Her quirk, stun-gun, allowed her to fire small electric arrows from her palms and fingers. Hado thought they kind of just tickled, but she was sure if Yuyu trained it more they could really hurt. To Hado, Yuyu was one of the only people she could really take it easy around, outside of her family that is. She had always been kind of an airhead, and Yuyu was always there to reel her in.

     "S-sorry Hado, couldn't help it."

     "You say that every time.." Hado sighed. "Anyway... can you read any of this Yuyu?" Gesturing to the menu board, her confusion was evident.

     "You can't?"

     "What's that supposed to mean? You say that like I come here 3 times a week like you."

     "Touché. Well, what do you want? I'll order for you."

     "Hmm... Anything with caramel is fine, thanks." Yuyu nodded before trotting up to the register, sounding off what seemed like an ancient chant. While she paid, Hado sat down at an open booth by the glass storefront and took a moment to appreciate not having to walk around in the abundant foot traffic outside. Before long, Yuyu slid into the booth seat opposite Hado's, taking a moment to look outside the window as she was. "So, how much do I owe you?"

     "Hm? Oh, no, it's alright. Today's my treat. Also, I hope you're fine with a caramel frappé."

     "A caramel...what?"

     "Just think of it like a caramel and coffee milkshake."

     "O-okay. Well, thanks Yuyu. You wanted to talk about something?" She looked back at Hado, confused.

     "I did?" She tilted her head to the side as she said this, a habit of hers.

     "Yes, that's why we're here right now." She snapped her fingers upon hearing this, a spark flying off and landing on the table, fizzling out.

     "Oh! You're right! It's really important..." Leaning forward in intrigue, Hado waited for her to continue. "Boys."


     "Yep. You haven't talked to a single boy since Haruki turned you down back in 2nd year. And now that we're moving up to high school, U.A. no less, it's high time you tried again." Hado sighed, hanging her head in a mix of embarrassment and annoyance.

     "Really Yuyu? I'm going to U.A. to be a pro hero, not meet boys."

     "Oh come on Hado, I'm certain you can make it work this time. You're a total bombshell, if you wont make any moves I'm certain all of the guys in your class will." She raised her head from the table, a light blush spreading across her cheeks.

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