Chapter 6: Odd Magic

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The sun shines past the hallways of the castle of Hogwarts. The young wizards and witches are eager to have their breakfast, the certain black haired Ravenclaw seeker holds a vial of a potion, with a wicked grin on her face. As the great hall fills in with students wanting to eat their first meal of the day, Cho patiently waits by the grand doors, hoping Cedric will come early. As Cedric came by, Cho immediately ran towards him, but before she could open her mouth, Cedric was called by someone.

"Hey, Diggory! Professor McGonagall needs you. Right now."

Draco spoke as soon as he caught sight of him and the ravenclaw together.

"I'll be there." He answered before leaving the eagle's seeker.

"Watch your actions, Chang. Not all snakes are venomous, all of us can constrict you." Draco whispered as he entered the hall, leaving the young woman in shock.

Harry saw Draco talking to Cedric before entering the hall, he looked at the blond, seemingly asking through his eyes that the Malfoy heir answered.

"Relax, Potter. I am not taking Diggory away from you. Your former house head just asked me to gather all 6 years, and I happened to see your boyfriend." It was true, Harry can't see any 6th year from any houses. He just nodded and sat with Luna.

"Hey Luna." He greeted her.

"Did Cho give Cedric any kind of drink today?" She asked as soon as Harry sat down.

"No. I don't think so, why?" That made the ravenclaw sighed in relief.

"Cho is trying to give Cedric some Amortentia."

"What?! She doesn't seem to be holding anything."

"She may not hold anything right now, but when she gets a chance she might take it."

Harry just nodded and started to eat. He kept looking at the giant doors, hoping Cedric would come in anytime. He sighed after he finished his meal, without Cedric or any of his friends. He was about to stand up, when he heard Luna talk.

"Be on the lookout for Cho, a mate bond is sacred and never should be broken."

Harry just nodded and decided to walk out of the Great Hall. He noticed that the Gryffindors are giving him a nasty look. He was then pushed on the side of the Hallway, along with a disarming charm. He looked at the caster, he glared at Ron.

"What do you want?!"

Ron smirked and pointed his wand directly at Harry's neck.

"Shut it traitor." Ron shouted as he glared at the green-eyed wizard. "You are such a fag! Head over heels to the bloke. To be fair, a little memory charm can remove it all."

As Ron was about to cast a student casted something towards the Weasley.

"Depulso!" It was Luna. The Gryffindors were shocked to see that Luna is not only with the twins but also with Hermione and Ginny glaring at Ron.

"That's too far Ron!" Hermione shouted, tears present in her eyes. "If you obliviate Harry, you could've killed him!"

"Ron, you are a shame to be our brother." Ginny said as she pointed her wands at the other Gryffindors. "Harry may now be a Hufflepuff but he was a part of us!"

"Was." Ron stood up. "He WAS a part of us." He added. "That idiot chose him over us."

"Levioso!" A spell that made Ron float in the air. "I can see now why he chose me over you, Weasley." Cedric said as his wand is still pointed at Ron while rushing towards Harry.

"Are you okay? Where's your wand?" Cedric asked as Luna then rushed towards them, telling them that she picked it up from the transfiguration courtyard.

"Mr. Weasley." All heads turned when they heard Minerva called them. "Using obliviate as a threat is not encouraged by anyone." She looked at Cedric. "Mr. Diggory, I can handle this now, you are excused till your task later this afternoon, along with you Potter." She then looked at Luna. "100 points for Ravenclaw for standing up for their fellow student, 200 points shall be taken away from Gryffindor along with a detention for a month with Hagrid." She then left and went back to teaching her class in the courtyard.

As Cedric assists Harry to their common room, Cho calls the older Hufflepuff.


Both of them turned to the Ravenclaw witch.

"Yes Cho?" Cedric asked while still holding Harry. The Chosen One caught a glimpse of a potion on her left hand that she was holding. He then remembered what Luna said. He drew his wand before Cho could use it.
"Accio, Amortentia." The vial then flew towards Harry's hand. "What's this Cho? Luna was right."

That angered Cedric. "Listen here Cho. You will and can never replace Harry. If you make one more attempt at breaking us apart, I'll make sure that you get sorted to Azkaban." He then grabbed Harry and went to their common room, leaving the shocked seeker.

Upon reaching their dorm, he pulled Harry to a hug. "Are you alright? I swear if that Weasley hurt you-"

Harry silenced him with a kiss. "I am fine. Luna protected me." He smiled and held Cedric close. "How are you? Your first task is later this afternoon."
Cedric shrugged and answered. "I don't know how I feel. There are dragons in that arena later. I don't know if I have to kill it- or I have to tame it- I-"

"It's fine. Me and I hope our mystery mate is rooting for you." He kissed him again. "I love you. No matter if we win this tournament or not."

They just cuddled all day while reading a book of advanced potions and when they heard a knock, they knew it was time.

"Goodluck, baby." Harry kissed him and saw 'Moody'.

"It is time, kid. The dragons are ready. The Headmaster will instruct you. Proceed to the champion's tent." He then looked at Harry. "I'll escort you to the stands." Harry knew Barty Jr. won't lead him to the stands. Cedric nods and kisses Harry's forehead.

"See you later baby. Love you."

"Love you too."

Once Cedric left the common room Barty looked at Harry as he removed his glamour.

"Has he met your father?"

"He did. And he swore a vow to protect the Riddle family."

"Merlin's beard! He did?"

Harry nodded and looked at him. "So what now?"

"Well, we just need to make sure your lover wins."

"You won't tell me what my father planned?"

"What would be the surprise if I told you the plan?"

"You're no fun."

Barty laughed and put the glamour back on. "Come on kid, the Headmaster might get suspicious about us."

He nodded and followed him. As they reached the stands he can see the dragons

"This is the first task of the Triwizard Tournament-" Dumbledore announced as Harry and 'Moody' arrived just in time. "-our champions had chosen the dragon they will try to retrieve the golden egg from the dragon." Cedric then entered the arena. "Our first champion, Cedric Diggory!"

As Dumbledore was announcing, Harry is still standing, looking around for an empty spot to sit.

"Potter." Draco called him as he saw the green-eyed wizard still standing. "I have an empty seat near me. It's yours."

Harry was shocked but he nodded and went towards the blond and sat down. "Thanks Malfoy."

"I think we can drop the surnames."

"Yeah, I think we should." Harry replied while smiling, looking at Cedric with a smile.

"So friends?"

"Yes. Friends. Nice meeting you Draco." He offered his hand for a handshake.

Draco just laughed and looked Harry straight in the eyes. "Nice meeting you too, Harry."

He then shaked their hands and suddenly they felt a strange magic that none of them mentioned and smiled, before looking at the arena.

"That's one odd magic." Both of them thought as they watched the first champion.

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