Title: Departures Disappearance
Inspiration: Ghost/Honorable mentions/Paranormal
Honorable Mentions: Dark-angel, BlueskiesGrayClouds, WritingPassions, AndrewT, PandorE
Art/: Is evoking in visuals!
Comments: Are useful!
I am cold, awake electrifying in the static buzz delirium.
Disorientated and fragile suffocating desperately.
Birthed to sorrow and within the harbored tragedy.
The melancholies clamor chaos, knows and is consumed by the forgotten rage.
Stalking the perchance painstricken with lonely resentments.
Wayward in redemption salvations engulfed in hatred.
Abandoned in regret and embracing guilt.
The invisible anguish is misery awoken dislocated.
Alluding void and hopelessly empty.
Departing misguided, vanishing in the phantom’s grim grin.
Easily convinced in conviction impacted in the pities dark.
Broken remembrances drift distant in closures vacant heartrending despair.
Ceasing in consoling comfort fallen haunted.
Suffering isolated in sentimental memories.
Tortured and shunned reaping in grief.
Fragmented laments are absent in compassions attachments.
Defused, and alone in the echo’s hold chocking smothered.
Ostracized and shattered broken disembodied.
Paranoid sanity discords in the emotional break.
Perceptions banish in aspect .
The Silhouettes translucent and silent apparitions concentrated appear.
In a revel in condoles remorse.
Agony moans mourning shocked in wrath and wrecked with consequences dealt.
Reality breaks in tension. Amnesia posses purgatory belief.
Spook ghost creep gliding. Relinquishing you’re reality.
It’s a bittersweet goodbye evanescent.
You reject this pretentious fakery.
Yet the songs been sung.
The warmth overwhelming and luminously inviting.
“Let me in, and let me go.”
You’ve consented in the blackout fade away.
Disappearing in the departures relief brink.
Slumber welcomed and you are finally..
Poet’s Cleverness!: Well hello everyone its been awhile for a long poem but now its time for your responses! 1. What did you think of this poem.? 2. What were your favorite bits, pieces, paragraphs, and etc..? 3. What did you think of the picture, and overall title..? Once again thanks to the honorable and dedicated you guys are awesome! Well Goodbye for now and thank you dear reader/readers! Art is by: bluesaint.
The Psychological Poetry Collection©~
PoetryThese are my poems that take on subjects and topic's like depression, schizophrenia, addiction, and other mind-blogging disorders and the like of emotions. I hope you enjoy all the poetry offered here. Art is by:KidChan~