Just stay with me, Please.

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Poguelandia Night 1.

Kiara had always loved the ocean and everything that came with it. She loved the way the surf carried her during a session with the boys, the way the sound of waves crashing into the sand brought her instant relaxation and she especially loved the animals that took her breath away every time she'd witness one float past when she was out on the Pogue. But now, her feelings were changing and it was breaking her heart further after the events of today. Instead of comfort, the waves lapping against the derelict beach made her shiver, memories of how they sounded against the boat and how they felt over her head as she fought desperately to keep the lifeless body in her arms afloat.

How could something that she once loved so much cause her so much pain, how could it nearly take one of her boys away from her and change her life for the worse? Deep down Kie knew she wasn't ever going to let that happen, because she was going to save JJ or at least die trying. JJ. She raised her head from where it was resting against her knees and immediately scanned the area for the boy in question. When she didn't see him straight away her heart dropped and she sat up straight. John B and Sarah were where she'd left the three of them whilst pope and Cleo went on a hunt for some firewood and hopefully food. But jj was nowhere to be seen. Kiara decided she would do one more sweep of the beach before she really let herself worry. Her eyes darted past trees, rocks, the cave theyd decided would be good enough to sleep in tonight, the shoreline and finally the small boat that had somehow got them to safety. She stood up on shakey legs and slowly made her way towards the mop of blonde hair peeking over the edge.

JJ lay with his eyes closed, desperately trying to keep the light from getting in and worsening his already throbbing head. He was pretty sure he had a concussion and knew that sleeping was out of the question for the next few hours, but fuck, there was nothing he wanted to do more right now than sleep. He'd separated from John B and Sarah when they broke the news that it was infact Kie who'd jumped in the water to save him. He was mid getting up to go sit with the girl when Sarah softly grabbed his arm and told him to give her some time, he didn't want to; desperate to go and make sure she was okay but he knew Sarah was probably right so took himself off to the boat. Kie would come to him when she was ready right?

As if on cue, a voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he let out a sigh of relief he wasn't even aware he'd been holding.

"Jay?" Kie's voice was horse, sore from all the shouting and it made his stomach churn. He turned his head as fast as it would allow and smiled weakly at the disheveled girl infront of him.

"Hey Kie."

"You feeling okay?" She was closer now that she had his attention, arms perched on the edge of the boat and worried eyes lingered on his own. She noticed a small trickle of blood fall from the wound at his temple and sighed slightly knowing they were going to have to find a way to put continuous pressure on it.

"I'm alright, heads pounding like a motherfucker though."

"It's bleeding again Jayj, wait here I'm gunna find something to help stop it."

"Kie.." his hand gently reached for her own and she instantly paused her movements, turning back to look him in the eye. Everything slowed momentarily as she took in the blue; so much blue, but it was duller than usual reminding the girl of the times when JJ would reappear after a day or two at home and just not quite seem himself.

"I'll be right back I swear." Reluctantly he let go, and nodded but didn't turn back to face the water. His eyes were on her as she walked away, and they stayed on her as she approached Cleo who'd just returned with plenty of wood to keep a fire going. The two girls exchanged a few words and before he knew it Cleo had handed Kie something and she was wandering back down to him before wordlessly climbing into the boat.

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