Chapter 5

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I hope this story goes far and everyone who reads it loves it as much as I love writing it :) sorry for not updating, I had no idea what to write so

Jordan's POV-

'Kill him?' I got off the soft thing that I later found out was a bed, 'why is this bothering me so much?' I went to the window and opened it, 'He's just a human. . .' I climbed out the window, and stood on the roof, 'That's right, he's just a useless bug,' I spread my wings and took to the bright blue sky.

"Tracking; on," I pressed 2 fingers to my ears. "Search for. . ." There must be 1000 Lee's on this pathetic planet. Then I got an idea, "Search for 13.0."

Then I had him. Surely him and Lee knew eachother, I activated my speed and sped to where he was. He was surrounded by a lot of people according to my tracker.

I flew there as fast as I could, and soon enough I was at a all building with a big striped flag. I spotted 13.0, I was too far to where I couldn't hear him but I saw his lips moving, he was talking to some red haired girl and a brown haired boy.

- Kyle's POV -

"So where did you and Lee head off to last night?" My red headed friend, Ambury, asked.

"No where special," I quickly replied, not wanting them to find out about me like Lee did. Or to find out about 14.0. "Just to a grave yard."

"Without us?" My other friend, Max, chimed in. He raised one eyebrow. "Why did he even want to leave? That party was sick!"

"It was rater boring. . ." I said looking away slightly, rubbing my left arm.

"What?" Ambury slightly raised her voice at me. "You seemed to be having fun with Summer?" She said unsure at the end.

"Please," I started. Summer was the 'popular' girl of the school. Quite frankly I didn't understand why, she wore cheep perfume and had slopy dyed blonde hair. Her hair used to be a beautiful brown hazelnut color, like Lee's. "She had her arm hooked around mine for the longest time dragging me every where, and her perfume was suffocating, also-"

"Hey!" Max cut me off. Anger clear in his features. I put my hands up in surrender with a slight smile on my face.

- Jordan's POV -

Where's the short one? Lee should be somewhere by him, shouldn't he? 13.0 seemed protective of him, he wouldn't just protect a stranger. 13.0 isn't like that.

I sighed loudly. Might as well look for him. I disabled my wings and landed gently on the ground, dispite how high I was.

Lee. If I were Lee where would I be? I started walking, I caught a flash of a faded red and suddenly Lee was in front of me, his hand clenching a piece of my shirt.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, he seemed a little angry. Something about his presence made my reactor speed up and my voice box act up again. "Huh?" Did he notice my reactor? I felt my face heat up. "Your hearts betting really fast right now, are you ok?" His face went from anger to one of concern. Even after I'm supposed to k-

"Get away from him!" I was suddenly jerked back, Lee's hand leaving my shirt. I hit the ground hard, an unknown weight was suddenly on me. I blinked slowly to see 13.0 on me. Fist raised. Everyone gathered around us. Lee was grabbing onto this raised fist shouting something, but all I saw was his lips moving; no sound.

I couldn't hear at all, all I could hear was a ringing, and my vision was a little blury.

13.0 suddenly pushed Lee away roughly, I saw him hit the ground his face scrunched up with pain. And finally 13.0's fist coming down on me.

- Kyle's POV -

I saw Lee with 14.0. This cannot be happening. . .

I angrily marched over there, and tackled 14.0 to the ground. "Get away from him!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention.

Soon enough the whole student body was surrounding us. If they wanted a show, I'll give them a show. I raised my fist.

"Kyle stop it!" Soon enough, Lee was grabbing onto my fist trying to hold me back. "Just leave him alone! I can handle myself!"

"Stay out of this!" I yelled back at him, my eyes turning into the red robotic ones. I felt his grip loosen and I took my chance. I pushed him away. More roughly then intended, I heard him yelp in pain.

I brought my fist down and all I could think was how I'm gonna apologize to Lee.

My fist didn't connect with 14.0's face, instead his hand grabbed it before it could.

One word went threw my mind:


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