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Five and a half months go by with Anthony still not realizing Frank's true intentions. Frank has began to isolate Anthony from his family and friends.

He says it's all for love.

Anthony walks into the room, standing next the coffee table. He looks down at his boyfriend who's sitting on the couch, staring at the TV. "Hey babe, how was your day?" Anthony asks, smiling warmly.

Frank lazily glimpses up, returning his attention to the screen as if he didn't even see the purple-haired man standing in front of him. He takes a moment to finish off the beer in his hand, burping, before finally replying, "It was meh."

Anthony shifts his weight on his feet. "I, uh, I thought you were gonna cut back on drinking?" Anthony nervously glances at the empty bottle.

Frank gets up and stalks towards Anthony. "You're-" he points the bottle at the poor boy- "actually starting to piss me off with this shit." Anthony cowers a bit where he stands, trying to ignore the growing fear. "I-I'm sorry. . ." he mumbles, averting his gaze to the floor.

"Ugh, I fucking hate when you act like this, so annoying," Frank leers, shoving past the shorter man. Anthony rubs his arm that Frank bumped into, not daring to turn around and show the way his eyes and nose were slowly starting to sting. Despite his best attempts, he can't help but let out a small sniffle.

"Oh, what a fucking baby." The drunkard mocks, glancing over at the man in the hall as he arrives in front of the refrigerator, pulling it open. Frank grabs another bottle from the almost empty 6-pack on the top shelf before hobbling back to his place on the couch. If one was to look closely, they could see the way the cushion was starting to indent and wear out from Frank's seemingly ever-present weight.

Making himself comfortable once again, he props his legs up on the coffee table. The brunette pats the couch next to him, gesturing for Anthony to take a seat. "Sit with me," He demands, leaving no room for refusal. Anthony obeys, slowly lowering himself into the spot next to his lover. The older man wraps his arm around him, pulling him into his chest and rubbing his arm with his thumb.

"I'm sorry Anthony." He lowers his face to press a kiss against his forehead, and Anthony can feel his scratchy stubble against his skin. "My day was just shit. I got fired from my job, and I just wanted a few beers to calm down." Frank mutters into his hair as he rests his head on top of Anthony's.

Anthony rubs Franks arm. "It's okay. . . just- don't drink too much please," Anthony pleads. Frank nods his head. "I love you, Anthony," he says, lifting his arm to rub at his eyes, "Thank you for being here for me."

Anthony lifts his head up to look in Frank's eyes. "I love you too," he whispers, leaning in for a kiss, "You're the only one I have left, I'm never going to leave you."

After a couple of hours, Anthony is asleep on Franks chest. Frank looks down at Anthony. "What a fucking baby." He takes a big swig from his beer, pushing Anthony off of him softly. Anthony stirs awake, accidentally knocking his head into Frank's beer as he sits up. Frank, in his intoxicated state, loses his grip on the bottle, causing it to fall and spill into his lap.

"What the fuck!" he yells, scaring the half-asleep man completely awake. "W-what's wrong, what happened?!" Anthony stammers, still caught off guard by Frank's outburst. "YOU JUST SPILLED MY BEER ON ME, THAT'S WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED!" the brunette screams, glaring between the scared man and his soaked jeans. "Ah shit, goddamn- get the fuck away from me!" He cusses, raising his hand at Anthony.

Anthony shield his face with his arms, squeezing his eyes shut. "Don't hurt me," he sobs, "please, I don't want you to hurt me!" Tears stream down his cheeks, as he pleads with the much stronger man.

Through his drunken stupor, Frank realizes he might lose Anthony over this, and quickly tries to make up for what he just did. "Oh my god, oh-oh my god," he fakes a tremble in his voice, "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me." Anthony still cowers, slowly moving his arms to look up at Frank through his blurry vision.

Frank moves forward, as if approaching a frightened animal, and wraps Anthony in a hug. "I'm sorry, I promise I won't hurt you," he whispers into the trembling man's ear, "I love you."

"I-" a moment of hesitation- "I... love you, t-too.".

Frank stands up, pulling at his alcohol-soaked pant legs. Anthony wipes his tears with the sleeve of his sweater, taking a couple deep breaths to collect himself. He darts his eyes towards the standing drunkard, seeing him pull at the wet fabric on his thighs.

Frank looks down at him, catching where he was looking. "What are you looking at, perv?" Frank teases. "Do you wanna perhaps-" Anthony gets cut off.

"No, I don't wanna have sex tonight," Frank is quick to cut him off, "I'm not in the mood tonight."

"You're such a slut." Frank whispers, annoyed.

Memories flood Anthony's head, memories he would much rather forget. Tears form in his eyes again, and this time he cant hold back the small sobs bubbling up in his throat.

Frank glares down his nose at the crying man, not even bothering to hide his disgust. "So fucking dramatic." He rolls his eyes, plopping back down on the couch. His head rolls back onto the backrest, immediately closing his eyes and passing out, ignoring the silent sobs ands sniffles that fill the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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