Chapter 14

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Kyles POV

I was in my room crying over everything that had happened when I heard a knock at the door. I got up from my bed to open the door even though I didn't want to talk to anybody.

I wiped my tears and said "I'll get it," when I got the door, thank god it was Stan, but it looked like he had been crying too.

Stan asked me if he could stay here for a bit, and he said he would explain everything that happened, and I of course said yes. I made a gesture signaling he could come inside.

"Who's at the door, darling?" My mother asked. "Just Stan, he's gonna stay here for a few days, family trouble," I explained. My mom nodded, understanding. Me and Stan headed upstairs. Silent the whole walk up.

Stan explained how his mom found out about our relationship with each other, and that he had ran away before his mom could kick him out.

I told him we should tell my parents before his mom does. He agreed but I could tell too much has happened for him today. I told him we could wait until tomorrow to tell them. We were both on edge right now.

Me and Stan watched a few movies until night time to calm both of us down. Around 11:00, he fell asleep in my arms. I blushed intensely but I didn't want to wake him up. Soon enough I ended up falling asleep too.

The next day comes. It's a Saturday so we don't have school, we'll I don't have school he wouldn't have had school anyways. Me and Stan wake up, get ready, etc. we walk downstairs and prepare ourselves.

My mom and dad are both sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. "Mom, Dad," I say, shakiness in my voice. I pull out a chair, sit down, and Stan does the same. Stan is silent. "We have to tell you something," I look at Stan and he nods. My parents look worried for what we might say.

"I'm gay," I confess, holding Stan's hand underneath the table. I've been waiting to tell them since I first came out.

My parents just look at each other not seeming surprised. My mom assures us that her and my dad give us full support. But after she looks at my dad and says, "you owe me five bucks," what? Did they seriously bet on my sexuality?

My jaw drops, and my parents giggle. Well since you guys already knew about this, let me give you a shocker. Me and Stan are dating

They are still not in shock. "You two are so close I'm not surprised," I smile at Stan, still clutching his hand underneath the table.

Stan opens his mouth for the first time to explain what happened the day prior. I can tell he is trying not to cry. Even though we were just laughing.

My dad tells Stan he can stay with us as long as he needs. I see Stan smile through his tears. he says "thank you."

Me and Stan go to my room and play Call Of Duty. We finish playing and Stan starts staring at me, it's kind of cute. I mean he lost the game because of it, but it's still cute.

"What are you looking at?" I say. Stan didn't say anything, he just tackles me. He starts kissing me and and I close my eyes. I've never been happier than I am in this very moment. I never want this to end.

Sorry for the timeline not making sense

All This Over a Kiss [ Stan x Kyle ] Where stories live. Discover now