⛓️ .Chapter XI. ⛓️

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Obanai listened to the grass crunching beneath his feet. The sun had just finished rising and he has no idea what time it is. He walked around the estates, he had no idea what to do today. Obanai could feel Kaburamaru napping on his shoulder and he gently pat it's head. He walked towards their Masters estate. He noticed Kocho and Tomioka. He wasn't the type of person to eavesdrop on people, but he was pretty curious on what they're talking about. He tip-toed towards a tree near Kocho and Tomioka to hide behind it and listen to what they're talking about. Obanai craned his head carefully and listened to what they were talking about.

He didn't hear anything special, the only thing he heard was Kocho's blabbering about Tomioka not having friends. He was about to stand properly to leave, until Tomioka said something that caught his attention.

"Kocho?" Tomioka said, barely intelligible. "Eh? Finally talking, Tomioka-san?" Kocho teased him once more. "This one's important, Kocho." Tomioka said sternly, half whispering. Kocho's eyes widened. She stepped closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm listening," she said as she pat his shoulder and motioned for him to sit down on the grass. "So uh...well...I think..I think I like someone.." Tomioka said, flustered. "Ooh! Who's the lucky girl?" Kocho said gleefully, clapping her hands a little, exited to be keeping more secrets.

Obanai leaned closer to the tree, careful to not make any noise. He wasn't really sure why this one conversation in particular interested him so much. Somehow, he felt his mood darken the longer he's listening to the conversation. He shook his head slowly, trying to get rid of the odd feeling. He shuffled quietly to make no sound and get in a more comfortable position.

"I..I didn't say if it was a girl...." Tomioka said, ducking his head down in embarrassment.

Obanai's eyes widened. Who could it be? He wondered. He closed his eyes, but some part of him hoped it was him. Obanai shook his head a little to hard and lost his footing and hit his head on the tree. He fell down. He clapped a hand to his mouth, freezing, realizing how much ruckus he had just made. He hoped Tomioka and Kocho didn't hear him. He could hear shuffling on the other side of the tree.

"Did you hear that?" Kocho asked. "Yeah, it was probably just some animal" Tomioka said. Kocho gasped. "Ara-ara, I hope it's not injured!" Tomioka sighed and stood up, "We should move, it might be a wild animal" Kocho nodded and stood up as well. "Your right, we should go to my estate then!" She clapped happily and bounced her way to the Butterfly mansion, with Tomioka trailing behind her.

Obanai listened to the fading footsteps of Tomioka and Kocho. He was scarcely breathing, waiting until the footsteps completely faded away.

He slapped his palm on his forehead. Why did he have to be feeling this weird thing for Tomioka? If he hadn't panicked he wouldn't have lost his balance, hit his head and drew Tomioka and Kocho away. Now he wouldn't know who Tomioka liked. He didn't know why this interested him so much. Wait...No. Obanai shook his head, there was no way he was crushing on Tomioka right now.

Obanai stood up and dusted his pants. Leaves that stuck to him falling down as he shook them off. He walked away from the tree backwards and looked at it. He crouched and leaped. He grabbed the thicker part of a branch and slowly set himself on the branch comfortably. He looked around and listened to the rustle of leaves on trees and the chirps of birds nearby or flying over them. Kaburamaru had already fallen asleep once again. Obanai felt like he also might fall asleep any moment. He listened to the peaceful sounds of nature and let sleep take over his mind.

An hour later.

"Obanai-san! Obanai-san!!"

Someone was squealing his name from under the tree. He groaned, annoyed, and turned into the other side for a better position, but slipped and fell from the branch he was laying on. His eyes jolted awake as he struggled to right himself whilst falling, but failed and fell face first  onto the grass. He could hear someone gasp. He looked up. It was Kanjori! His face lit up and he quickly stood up. "Kanjori-san! What are you doing here?" Obanai said as he rushed towards Kanjori. Kanjori blushed, put one of hand on he cheek and fanned at herself with her other hand as if she's feeling hot.

"Eek! I was just bored and walking around and I saw you sleeping on the tree! I didn't have anyone to talk to, so I hope you don't mind if we hang out for a little?" Kanjori said shyly, putting her hands behind her back. Obanai blushed slightly. "I'd be happy too!" He beamed, putting one of his hands to scratch the back of his head. He was walking with Kanjori to his estate when he could feel someone or something looking at him. He looked around and caught the eyes of a ocean-blue eyed person staring at him from the darkness at the right part of the forest. Obanai raised his eyebrow. He blinked, and the eyes were gone.

Obanai shook his head which caught Kanjoris attention that made her stop talking. "Are you okay Obanai-san?" Kanjori said, concerned drawn on her face. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just thought I saw someone or something in the forest, but it's nothing!" Obanai said, scratching his neck. The concern that was in Kanjoris face disappeared instantly and she smiled. Obanai blushed slightly once again, How could she— (and Tomioka) be so beautiful? Obanai shook his head once more and listened to Kanjori tell her short story until they reached his estate. But, Obanai could still feel that same gaze glaring at him.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading this! I apologize for not posting for a while, and I've been thinking of making a novel, though, I'll still be trying to add more chapters to this If I could!

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