⛓️ .Chapter XVI. ⛓️

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Tomioka looked back at where Iguro once stood, his hand over his mouth, his heart was beating too fast to be normal, his face red. He felt an undeserving joy, his mind replaying the scene over and over, he hadn't even realized Kocho was right Infront of him.

"Tomioka-san! Are you okay there?" She asked in concern, Tomioka shook his head, calming himself down. "Yes. Yes I'm alright." Tomioka said, pulling his neutral face towards Kocho.

Kocho smiled, "Then we should head off now! We wouldn't want those demons get ahead of us, do we?" Kocho said, she was still smiling, but something grim was on her voice.

Tomioka just nodded, mission first, daydreaming later. He'd followed Kocho towards the mountain they were supposed to hunt the demons down. It's almost dark, so the demons will arise as soon as they get there, probably...

// Back to Iguros POV???!??! \\

"Gosh..I can't believe I actually did that...This is so embarrassing.." Obanai was so busy in his thoughts that he'd walked past Kanjori who was calling his name. "Iguro-sama!" Kanjori said, grabbing Iguros shoulder. "Are you alright? I've called your name multiple times and you haven't answered!" Kanjori asked, concern and worry in her voice. "Ah! Kanjori-san! I apologize, I was just..lost in my thoughts.." Iguro said as he stopped in his tracks to turn around and face a concerned-looking Kanjori.

"if you say so..." Kanjori said, looking away for a moment, then she turned back at him with a determined looking smile. "Well, let's get going then!" Kanjori said, grabbing Obanai's arm and dragging him towards their mission.

//Tomiokas POV again!?!? Black magic!??!//

Tomioka and Kocho dashed towards their mission, it was almost sunset, so it would be quick to see the demon..or demons..come out of their hiding place. "Are you not up for talking, Tomioka-san?" Kocho said, teasingly, she always teased him, but sometimes she doesn't mean it, though she thinks that Tomioka is arrogant and doesn't want to make friends. Tomioka just stayed silent, a hand to his blade as they ran. Kocho tilted her head and smiled, "This is one of the many reasons why you don't have friends, Tomioka-san!" She teased again. Somehow, Tomioka didn't mind the teasing, it was something to get his mind off of the interaction he'd just had with Obanai.

"I do have friends." He responded flatly, Kochos eyes widened as she blinked once, then her normal expression came back, "Oh, really? I'd like to meet them then?" She giggled, but she went quiet as they heard a nearby rustling.


Could it be a demon? They weren't sure, but they'd been informed that one of the twelve kizukis is somewhere in this mountain, they had to be careful as they didn't really know what they we're up to. Yes, they we're a hashira, they could easily slice the demons head off, but they didn't know what tricks it had up it's sleeve, you can never be too careful, you know?

They stopped in their tracks, a hand hovering on their blades. "What do you think it is?" Kocho asked, pulling out her nirichin blade, "I'm not sure." Tomioka responded, he approached the bush cautiously to see what it was. He moved the bush aside, and a decapitated human was found, the eyes rolled back, blood everywhere, the body was nowhere to be found.

"Oh my..." Kocho said, putting a hand to her mouth. Tomioka didn't get it, she saw much worse, but she's acting like she hasn't seen anything like this before. Oh well. It's better to think of what they're gonna do instead of thinking why she's acting odd.

Another sound caught their attention, this time above them, they looked up at a nearby tree to see the body of the decapitated head hanging by a rope, it was if the demon that had done this wanted them to see it, showing off what they had done. Tomioka felt disgusted by this. Demons. Cruel beings. Creatures that had taken his loved ones lives. It disgusted him. It angered him. Why would any cruel demon end an innocent civilians life? He had to remove these thoughts in him right now, what he needed to focus on was ending the demons life so it doesn't harm anybody else.

He looked around to find some clues in where the demon could be and Kocho followed his steps closely as if for protection, he didn't really need it, but he didn't mind Kochos protecting presence with him. He heard another shuffling noise and he swiftly turned his head around just in time to see a tuft of white hair dash off behind a bush. "There!" He yelled out and immediately started running towards the demon, his nirichin blade out and ready to evade any upcoming attacks.

He was sure he'd gotten it until Kocho suddenly leaped behind him and she landed on the back of a white haired demon, "My, my, what do we have here?" She said as she skittered down the demons back as if she was skiing. The demon grunted and immediately kicked her back, but she managed to dodge swiftly.

"A feisty one, I see?" Kocho said, landing right beside Tomioka to stop him from running. "You don't know who you're messing with." The demon cackled slightly, moving his bangs up to reveal blue piercing eyes, one of them was labeled as the 5th kizuki. "Just as we have been told." Tomioka thought to himself as he put his blade in front him, the demon seemed boastful and filled with pride.

"Even as the two of you are hashiras, you are nothing to me," He said, raising his arms out to reveal a blue pattern on his arms under his sleeves. He was boastful alright. Tomioka couldn't handle the demons boastfulness as he gripped his blade in front of him. Kocho was the one to speak first. "A prideful one, I see" she said, a small giggle right after, she pulled out her blade and pointed at the demon.

"Let's dance."

To be continued...

PHEW! It's been a while since I've updated this, and it was because I got caught up with school! Eg. P.e, art, music, and others. I'm glad to spend our break updating this as best as I can, now peace out!

Oh, and I almost forgot, thank you everybody for getting this to 20k reads! I've never expected it to come to this as I only started to make this as a joke, thank you all so so much!

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