⛓️ .Chapter XIV. ⛓️

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Take a quick breather, because somewhere in this chapter might freak you readers out.


Also still no smut.

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                    [Tomiokas POV]

It was the next day, and Tomioka woke up feeling refreshed! He stood up and headed to the bathroom to get ready. He brushed his teeth, took a quick bath and put on his slayer outfit because, you can never know when these missions might come out of. He put on his beloved haori, red on one side from his older sister, and green, with beautiful patterns on the other side from his old best friend. He put his nirichin blade on his belt and headed out. As he was heading for the door, he stopped in his tracks and looked at the kitchen.

He wasn't really the best cooker in the world, but it was good enough that whatever he cooks was edible. But today, he didn't really feel hungry, the same with all the other days. He felt lonely, since, Kamado and his friends we're out on small missions that didn't really need hashiras.

He sighed, hoping Tanjiro and the others we're all alright. But he had other things to worry about today, so he glided towards the front door, opened it, and headed outside, he didn't really need to lock the door because there was really nothing to take from his estate, and since the others we're gone, it didn't really make sense for him to lock the door, and maybe the others would need to come back to his estate soon.

He walked towards the area where there was beautiful flowers planted on the surface of the earth, growing healthy and looks absolutely stunning. The grass crunching under his feet, he crouched low, picking colorful flowers and putting them together like a bouquet, he could've sworn he had a ribbon somewhere to tie these flowers together.

After picking white, turquoise and yellow flowers, he went back inside his estate and tied the flowers together with a black ribbon. He smelled the flowers altogether. Perfect. This was the perfect gift to give to a special someone.

(I'm sure the colors made it obvious who it is for?)

He once again opened the front door, but this time with a struggle because of the big flower bouquet he had tucked under his arm. He was finally able to open and close the door after some minutes of struggling. He sighed. He hoped that the special someone will like his gift.

(I wonder who it is for? 🤔)

He walked towards a familiar looking estate, the sounds of crunching grass, twigs, and dry leaves we're the only sounds besides the natural sounds of nature. He walked towards the door, by the time he reached the estate, he was sweating buckets. He raised his hand to knock on the door, hesitated, thought about turning around and going back home, then turned around again. He raised his arm one more time to knock on the door, hiding the bouquet of flowers behind his back, and finally knocked.

It took a few minutes of waiting until the door opened, but Tomioka heard shuffling from inside. The door opened. Tomiokas face flushed red and he could've sworn his heart skipped a beat, he'd seen this person multiple times, but after finding out what that person was to him, he never saw him the same again. He could feel sweat beading down the back of his neck which startled him.

"Oh! Tomioka!" Iguro said with glee, a twinkle of something like excitement glittered in his eyes. "You made it!" He said, but then a look of curiosity dawned over his face "what's that behind you?" Iguro asked and after that question, Tomioka pulled the bouquet out of his back and gave them to Iguro, his head down and avoiding eye contact.

Tomioka could see Iguros face flush an even, bright pink. "I uh, wanted to give this to you..." Tomioka stammered nervously, expecting Iguro to come laughing at him, but what happened next wasn't what he was expecting. He could feel Iguros hands touch his for a brief second, which made him blush an even deeper red. He could tell his face was probably as red as the other half of his haori, it felt like forever even though he knew it was only a matter of seconds. Then the bouquet was gently taken from him and into the arms of Iguro.

He sniffed it, closing his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again, but this time, avoiding eye contact. "Oh uhm, it's really pretty..thank y-" but before Iguro could finish his sentence, a crow came out of nowhere. "Caw! Caw! All hashiras, meet at the Ubuyashiki mansion! A meeting will begin shortly!" It said as it flew out of sight.

"Ah..." Iguro said, he sounded... disappointed..? Somehow..."guess we can't hang out today, but uh, wait for me out there, I'll just put this somewhere in here" Iguro said as he stepped back inside, not closing the door. Tomioka didn't want to go in because he wasn't told to, and that would be disrespectful, but he could hear shuffling sounds from inside. After a minute, Iguro came out the door again, but this time, without the bouquet but with his nirichin blade. "Uh, let's go?" He said nervously. Tomioka nodded, the minute Iguro was in his estate, he was able to pull himself together.

They we're halfway towards the mansion when all of a sudden, Iguro scooted closer beside him as they we're walking and grabbed his hand, holding it in his. Tomioka startled and looked at Iguro, he could tell that Iguro was smiling beneath his mask, and he could tell that he was also smiling. They walked together towards the mansion, the only sounds we're the birds chirping and the slight wind rustling the trees. Tomioka had to admit, it was peaceful.

Peaceful. A peaceful life was what Tomioka wanted.

To be continued...

Almost at 10K reads! Thank you everyone! Also the next chapter will basically be a continuation of this one, since I have no time left and I need to publish chapters now.

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