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A/N: BIG love for goth viv

"You both appear adequate."

"No. No, no, no. Please come.

You must be mindful of the clothes. Clothes that phase are costly. Do not stain them."

"Yes, mother."

"It is high school.

They will remain solid."

"The children will act as needed, husband.

Danger is not near until it is near."

"True. But as long as I am near, they need not worry about such things.

They are children. They should remain children."

"But father, what else would we be?"

Viv and TJ land in a hushed New York City alley much like Viv had landed in LA just a few days ago. Unable to get the necessary indefinite time off, Viv simply quit her job, knowing she could find another when she got back. Still, it felt jarring to be preparing to start over yet again, and to be in a city even louder and stranger than her new home.

Billy Kaplan had shared through an email that, evidently, things were worse than they thought. The same curse that had caught TJ had also pulled alternate versions of several of the extended family into Earth-616, most of whom were living in Billy's apartment as he tried to reverse the spell.

"I still do not understand why you ended up in Los Angeles rather than here," Viv ponders as they walk towards the address Billy provided.

"Yeah, well, chaos magic is weird. Plus I think I must have resisted more than the others. I know a dimension portal when I see one. Lucky I didn't get dropped in the middle of the ocean or something..."

"That is a good point... It is right around this corner he-"

A greenish blur of light whooshes between them, a small brunet boy with purplish power flickering around his hands following to the best of his ability at human speed.

Viv's brow furrows. "Billy..."

"Yes!" the real Billy, Earth-616 Billy, trots quickly out of the apartment building and shouts, "TOMMY IF YOU RUN OUT OF THIS APARTMENT ONE MORE TIME I WILL MAGIC YOUR FEET TO THE FLOOR."

TJ laughs. "Wild."

The younger Billy hovers between his brother and the others, awaiting direction and worrying that Tommy won't return.

"Billy, get inside," Billy says.

Viv nods. "Wild, indeed."

"Sorry..." the older Billy turns his attention to the visitors as the young twins zip into the apartment building behind him. "It's been a little insane here these days." He nods to the blue-haired girl. "So you must be TJ. I am.... so sorry about all this."

"It's no big," TJ assures. "I mean, in the universe you took me from I was on the run from giant mutant insects... And my band was about to break up over some squabble over chord structure..."

Billy glances questioningly at Viv.

Viv explains, "Talia is a member of the Exiles. They are a group of super-powered individuals who fulfill missions across the multiverse."

"Sounds a little like something the Young Avengers did once..." Billy mumbles as he leads them inside. "My fault as well, of course."

He sighs softly before drawing in a decisive breath as they climb the stairs.

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