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"Fun or not, we are here to achieve normalcy. Flying all about is not--"

"Father, just throw the ball! We will achieve normalcy tomorrow!"


Fine. This once.

But you will soon have to learn...

...Tomorrow does not always come."

"It is mine!"

"No, brother! It is mine!"

"That was entirely unfair! 

The ball was thrown by father for me!"

"Now brother, fairness is a simple mathematically determined balance, the lowest form of justice.

Preeminence, however, is the assertion of complex covenants over instinctual norms. The highest form of justice.

Understanding and embracing preeminence moves us closer to humanity."

"You experienced a deeply traumatic event in being essentially killed and later revived..." the therapist intones. "That had to have been jarring, waking to the world a second time, and now in the middle of a dangerous conflict with your mother's killing the Grim Reaper and the events that would follow."

Viv nods at the exact thoughts she'd spun through so many times.

The therapist changes gear. "But I think it is more important... the way you woke back up... but your brother Vin didn't."


Some days after her reintroduction to Victor, Viv hovers legs criss-crossed in the center of her apartment, projecting a fast-paced, violent first-person shooter game on the wall across from her. She plays well, extremely calculated, and earns whoops from her online teammates as they win another round largely due to her. 

Viv simply drifts her attention to her palm, scrolling through Twitter hashtags involving certain figures close to her, including herself. Evidently, the side-eyeing coworker is not particularly tight-lipped, or someone else spotted her slip-ups, as there are rumors spurring of a certain pink-skinned, green-haired teen living in South LA. She wonders at whether she should give up her charade or not.

As the next game is cued up, Viv becomes suddenly aware of an unfamiliar presence outside of her window. Frowning contemplatively at the apparent figure clinging to the wall outside of the apartment, Viv patches into her team and says plainly, "Amadeus, I will have to sit this game out," and ignoring his protests swiftly turns the game off.

Viv uses her ability to alter her cells and become intangible to phase through the wall, greeting this dark assailant, who startles and laughs impressed.

"It appears I have the right house," the shadow says, a deep feminine voice.

"Who are you?" Viv demands.

The shadow darts up the wall onto the nearby roof and stands confidently. Viv follows her by rising slightly and in the slight light of a flickering plastic-encased bulb on the roof, Viv now examines that the creature is a girl perhaps slightly older than her with downy blue fur, thick two-toed feed that curl against the lip of the roof, and a flicking devilish tail. Much like the X-Men member Nightcrawler.

The blue-skinned girl holds out a hand. "Talia Josephine Wagner. Also known as Nocturne. Former X-Man, Exile, lead singer in an epic band."

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