Déjà vu

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Flashback: 13 years ago- age 8

"Y/n, come out of your room, your aunt Joleen is here to visit." My mom shouted.

I left the room and said hi to my aunt and we all sat together to eat. She visits almost everyday and leaves very fast, I never understood why I had to say hi to her every time.

"Amelia, when was the last time you cleaned your house? Look at all this filth." Aunt Joleen said.

"We don't have time to clean. Anyway, not that Finn would ever bother to help." Mom said sarcastically.

"Oh, so now I'm no help? Says you." Dad said.

"What's that supposed to mean now?"

"Stop. You two need to work it out, and please, don't fight in front of the child. I told you many times." My aunt said.

"No offense Joleen, but it's really none of your business." Dad said coldly.

"Don't talk to my sister like that! Have some respect." Mom yelled.

"She comes here every time and butts her way into our lives. It bothers me. It should bother you too, Amelia."

"Why the hell would my own sister bother me? God, just because you hate your family doesn't mean I should hate mine."

"Don't bring my family into this! I swear Amelia, you say one more word about this and I'm going back home alone." Dad shouted.

"Stop it! Stop fighting, that's enough. Finn, I don't care what you think of me, I don't care what goes on between you two either. But I care about my niece, and I can't stand to watch her listen to your useless fights. Have some sympathy for your own child, is that too hard?" Aunt Joleen yelled at my parents. They didn't say anything else and later my aunt left.

"Y/n, we're sorry. You know we love you, we didn't mean to fight. Right Finn?" My mom said after a while of silence.

"Yeah, right. We love you."

"Dad, what did you mean when you said you'll go back home alone? Isn't this your home?" I asked curiously.

"Great job Finn. Great job." Mom rolled her eyes and said sarcastically.

Current day

Right, I keep forgetting how much my aunt spent time with us in my childhood. She would always fight with my parents and leave. It was the same every time. I remember her always standing up for me whenever my parents fight. Why did they fight this much, anyway? I understand no relationship is perfect, but theirs was too messy. Whenever they had a bad fight one of them will threaten to leave which I never understood. Where would they even go?
I realized, I don't think about them much. To me they were always a distant memory that I didn't cared to unlock. But lately I've been thinking more about them, ever since my I saw my aunt here. Whatever, there's no point thinking about that now, it's been years.

After dinner

I was debating wether or not to tell Eren more about me and Erwin, even though he's kept his promise and didn't say anything until now, I still don't know if I can fully trust him.

Crystal blue (Erwinxreader)Where stories live. Discover now