GRRR/Mutated blue (Platypus)

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fresh!Ink pov

I wa's walking to Crosses's house on a sunny side up day! I was so eagler and exited and nervous. This is a secret that noone pls dont tell anyone. I...I-I like Cross! A lot! Not even my brothers Fresh and Ink (yes ik those r stupid siblings lol- ;-;) know this. Im planning on askin him out on a date to Charleys today @//.//@ The reason im nervous though is becaus Cross is super stoic! And he has an evil room mate, X Chara (i waz gonna say xchair but- nah lol XD) who hates me!

le flashback time

"Hey X Chara, my monochromatic man! Whassup? Cross hear?" i questioned.

"No. Shut up, looser." x chara RUDELY said.

" need to be so rude abt it though, hah!" I felt a little sad just a little bit but was okay with it.

"Go dust yourself you stupid skeleton. Keep talking to Cross and I'll over write and stab you! I hate you! And Cross does too!" x chara said very rudely and made e said.

"Uhm...o-oh...ok." (im so bad at writing sorwy guys TvT) I walked sadli over to gim class and saw the evil bullies of th school! Well, theres more evil but these guys are still evil bullies >:(! There names r dust, killer and hororr! One time they killed a teacher because why not! Their so mean.

"wow look at this LOSER HAHA" Whoerror said yelled.

"yeah! I do not describe him as a vulture, but something a vulture would eat! Haha!" Killer sayed while looking at his stoopid phone.

"true" dust quitely whisper. Me personally, i think their only bullys becaus they have something SAD going on.

"erm...guys! Stop bulying!I know you guys have rouge lifes but this isnt how you sould treat others, yo!"

crosses's pov (still a flashback LOL :3):

i was walking to scienc class with Science!Sans but everyone calls him Sci/Science/Scisane/yung sans. sudenly i hear yelling, it sounds like...bullying. i was bullied in elemnatry so i hate bullys. i waltz over to the Gym class and see the THE MURDER TIME TRIO bullying fresh!Ink. Those bullys wont be bullying anymore when im through with them. i walk to gim class and punch horor in the face! killer and dust get shocked and run away. hurror follows after them.

"are you okay?" i reach out my hand to him ignoring the rinbow blush on his skelecheeks.

"u-uhm...yeah! i'm totes rad bro...hehe...uh...thanks." the cutie- i mean...the other skeleton says. i move my orbs over to Sci and he points ober to science class.

"gotta go. i'll see you later." i say after freshink is standing. he just stands there after i leave, but thats okay cuz we are all a little strange right?

le flashback end uvu

fresh!Ink pov

i knock on Crosses's door with flowers in my hand. I hope he likes them becuase they are purple! Yahoo! When the door is opened...I see my worst fear....

"Oh. Ew...what are YOU doing here?" x CHAIR says.

"No need to be so rude pal! I am just looking for Cross, haha!" My face turns slightly rinbow after saying that and surplusingly, X Charger lets me in.

"Ughhh. Fine, you rinbow stinkbutt." I was about to scream in shock but i dont becaus I get to see Cross soon! I'm so redy to ask him out. I walk over to Crosses's room and see him reading a beige book. His dad Xgaster loves beige aesthetic. I dont get it, personally. He moves his white spherules my direction and I blush a littl.

"oh, hey fresh!ink." he says super cutely.

"u-uhm, heya cross pal! you some flowers, heehee.." cross lookes surplused that the flowers are'nt beige. Then Xfaster comes into the room and steals the flowrrs!

"Cross. You no you are'nt supossed to have thins that i'snt Beige!" XHaster sayed to Cross. I HATE IT when he is mean to my Crossy road >:( Luckily I have a gun with me so i shoot Xbaster.

"Sorry about him being a mean." I sayid to Cross. He lookes so cute right neow...hehe...wait hold on i still had to ask him out! I get my skull(?) out of the cloudess and pick up the fleur de lis from XDaster dead cold hands. Yowchers, thatll leave a mark! Hahaha Anywas.

"So uhm Cross..." I stamer.

"yeh fresh!Ink?" he siad so pulchritudinously..."

I uh...Cross I realy really REALLy like yo-" Suddnly then XCHara pops into the roo!m!

"Crocs, do you have an atomatyc pistol and submashing gun- WHAT THE HECK!!" Xchair suddlny punches me in the face! But I will not let him stop me from onfessing my love...Good luckily I still hav my gun!

"wait...fresh!Ink, babesweetcheekssnookums babydollbabygirlmuffinduckybabycakes, do'nt." i stop BC I don't want Crossticious to be mad at me. XCheetah walks out angerly and finaly leaves us Alone by Alan Waker-Upper teehee! Im so exited (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)

"anyways i want to here what you had to say, Fries!ink" MY skelecheeks turn a bit rinbow heaing him talk again but I ignore that.

"Erm...Cross, pal, I- I really like- no...LOVE you...╰(✿'⌣'✿)╯♡" It goes quite for a while and I get nervous. Cross seems very stupefactioned....did i grind a gearr their?


"uhhh.. i need to go..." I here him say bef4 he blurshes an runs off. Golly good gracious no...


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