Untitled Part 3

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eoic POV:

Oh my santa!1! I cant believe I get to hold Frsh!ink and Crosses's hands...oh my santa they are both so cute! Whoops my bad

This feild trip will be the best thing ever. Firstly, Im a sicentist already, bruh!! A Science cener is the perfect plase for me. Secondly, I get to be away from the other Terrytinklians for today!! Terrytinkle academy SUCKS!! It may seem like the perfect, preppy, rich, preppy and intellegint preppy school but everybruh is so cringe and rude, bruh!!!

Laslty, I get to hang out with my best bruhs in the world, Fresh!ink and Cross!! Bruh theyre so fantastic...

"That P.H.A.T!! Wowza, a plane!!!" Fresh!ink points towards the flight zone thing

"Oh yeah bruh! Thats the Flight zone. We expirence the science of flite I'm p sure!!" I tell my bruh

"lets go over there" Cross bruh sayes to me

Fresh!ink and I both nod our heades and we head on over to the flight Zone. We sit down and chillax because we dont really want to design and engineer. So we just talk and catch up. Fresh!ink seems to be very awkard with Cross and vice versa...did something drama happen ??? I deicide to ask them both.

"Hey uh bruhs, did something happen between you too?? You bruhs seem a lil' off today." I ask them

"well uh-" Cross is about to respond when...

"HEY LOSERS!!" Darnit!! Those bullie bruhs from the bus are back for more. They also sit down very casually, probably to make it look like tey arent bullying or something. (IT WORKS!1!!!)

"you guys suck" dusty wusty sayes very monotone bu tmeanily!

"Don't wrry dusty, i got this" AND THEN HE THROWS AN AXE AT ME!! I flinch and tumbll in suppries

"you guys wont be bullying when im through with you.." cross freatans. He goes over to dust, killer and scary!! horror and unbujcles their airplane seats!

"aaaaah." dust screams(?)

"AAGAHHHHSDGHSJISK" killer screams, horror doesnt scream because i guess this isnt scary enough but he walks away ayways.the bullie bruhs finnaly leave!! woohoo!!!

I start to wonder what i should do next, so i start brainstorming,,,, hmmm

"Aha!" i plunge my skelahand under the seat and grab a safety vest, "this should work!"

I put i onand jump off the plaine and hit the floor It worked!1 the safety svest worked!... oh yea, ermm... weir not in an accuaal ac plain.... Oopsie poopsie!!! ( ; . ; )

I look at the baddies and my skeleface flushes with clolr IM SO DUMB!!1 i thought i was on a rael plain!!11 UGHHHH

They are just pointing and luhging.. They still r bullis, hmph.

I feel something brush my skelehand, i look dwn . IT'S CROSSES HAND OMG!!!1

"Come on guiys, l-letz go alrdy" my skeleface grows brighter w/ colr

The warmth of his hand!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!! >O< (that was me in my brain scqealing)

"Yea bruhs, lets get ouuta herre" then i wal with crooz an fresh!ink

Ten, all ouf a suden, britmaree walks in ant says birtish!! I thikn he liks harry pottah!!1! Oh yea i fogor that we have dumble dor here!! He says hes not dumblw dor but he is a but fat smelli lier!!1! '~'

He stoped us from leaving!1!

I fink I saw him take out a knif and try to stab me ant cross!! I luv hime too much!

But ten frsh!ink walks in and he savs us!! Wif cwossy boo still holdin my hand!! *blush* I luv him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!

fhrhehsi!ink PON:

GAAAAHH!!! I shoot britmmmar with my gun!! "Grrr" he gos. Gewd thing thats through with!!! *giggle* +~+

I feel verray jealous. Does Cross like Epic...??? NO wonder hes acting like I didnt confess to him...its becaus hes dating epic, isnt it...? Wait hold on!!! I gotta keep on trucking through!!1!! Maybee they are not dating, yeah they probably arent!!! I mean I know we were all holding ands earlier but why am I im so jealous when its just those two....

Erm.. i dont lik thsi anymor... Im out off her...

"hold on...fresh!ink, sweetie, stay here with us." cross suddenly tells me!!! WHAAAAT

"Ya you baka- bruh!!! Cmon, we havent even gone to the Skycycle yet!!!" Epeic teles me.

"I- no...You broskis...enjoy you're date..." I tell them sadly. I run off with tears in my eyesockets hidden by my (super sick and radical) glassis.

I run to the Terrytinkle students to hide away from Cwoss and Epwic. I really just missed my shot... sigh... . 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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