Feild tip

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crosses's pov:

i run to Xchandellers room out of embearismeant.

"what the popper party popper are you going in y room!?" o'hare him say. idk why i ran here actualy, but whatevser. ig i wantd to talkded to XCharcol.

"hey uhm Xcheesecake, how to i response to a concession?"

"jus dewit dood- THAT'S THE END OF ThE LINE FOR YOU, ONE FOR ALL GO!" stupid xchair playing Fritznite as degu..

"idk becuz i think i like fresh!INk but he just confessed and i dont knwo what to say so" i got cut off but Xchauffer yelling at Arimoona Rendevou mains in Fritznite.

"STEWPID FRITZNITE ARIMOONA MAINS! NO MORE MR NICE GUY!!" I hellen him scraem. i tink i need some time to reflec- oh no. i forgot to go to shcool, oopsies. i quickly yuse my teleportaitn mgic and get to class.

"Hello kiddos It is I Nightmare and i am here to say We are going to a feild trip to a Arizona Science center But bewear becuas it is very romancetic! This will be your Pshycology test." Ok while I guess this will take my mind of freshink for a well..

dust pov:

today is the day of the feild trip. i am so excited. me and THE MURDER TIME TRIO are nightmares favorites so we get first class bus seats.

"man i am so glad we get first class bus seats unlike those LOSERS!!!" kills says.

"i know rite?! i HATE those stupid beige and rinbow loser betas! They tink there SOOOOOOO much better than us!" rory dory laughs.

"fr" i respond. golly gee wilkiers.

"OK students!! We ahre finally going to the arizona science center! i am preying for youre downfalls" nightmare announces britishly. "by the way, i hope you first classians enjoy your veray comfy beds. dont worray about buckling up!!"

i look behind the first class area and see loser cr*ss. idk and idc where fresh!ink is cuz at least we have our first victim.

"hey loser. are you from losertown? cause you're a loser" i say to he.


"looser!! beef jrky!!" rory throughs axe at cross and while kills giggles. i was expecting a big kerplow sound but theres none. i look over and see- ew.

"hey BRUHS!!! dont do that bruh.." oh. that other purple dude catches the axe or whatever. i forgot his name lol.

"e-epic? dude? when did you go to this school?" cr*ss asks.

"well, my school terrytinkle academy is going on the field trip with you bruhs! i just broke into your bus bruh" i'm going to kill myself

now there is 3 losers for us to bully so i guess thats a plus. oh hey we're here.

"Okay kiddos we are here at the Arizona Science Center!!!! Good luck with studying for your test!! AND BEWARE OF HOW ROMANTIC IT IS!!!" britmare i mean nightmare warns us.

"excuse me mr freaking idoit can you get off our turf. no one likes you terrytinklians." i tell that purple dude.

"no thanks bruh!1! i gotta stay here with my bruh crossy road!!!" eww.

"okkay kiddos GO IN THE ARIZONA SCIENC CENER NOW please :)" nightmsre says. ugh fine

fresh!Ink pov

i Wa's already in the Scienienc cener. I a very sad because Cross ran away during my conession!! So i got to Arizona science center erly to help clear my mind. And uh oh!!! The other classmates are hear!! And Terrytinkle Academy!! And...Epic!?!?! Oh my scallop!1!1!1! I am p sure he also likes cross....I will work tht out la8r.

"Oh no! The others are here, aaaahhh! What the funko pop do I do-"

"hey fresh!ink" crossy road sayes to me!!! aaaaahhhh!!

"hey french!ink bruh!!!!! how are ya???" epic askess me. Epic is legiterally so perfeck and cool!! He gos go TERRYTINKLE for s*ntas sakes!! why is someone so cool askigng ME that?? anywas

"i-i uhhh. h-h–h-h-h-h-hi crossy road and uhfhhfhh epick!! I am doing SUPER RADTASTIC Thanq for asking!!! UHHH I...GOTTA GO!" I beginn to skerdoodle away when Epirc grabes my hans

"Wait...bruh...don't go. Let's all explore the science center...together, bruhs." I kinfa blush when he says that but- WAIT!! I HAVE A CRUSH ON CROSS HOLD ON. I cant like both of them!!! Well maybe this is only a one time thing. Yah it probs is

With Epic holding both Crosses's and Is hands we walk around the arizona science center when...

"hey LOSERS!!! wait...epic!?!? What are YOU doing with those Perriwinklians!?" Drem san from Terrytinkle roodley asks.

"Wowww....hanging out with Perriwinklians? Im not surprised with a looser like you, epic." Blu Sanes saysy very not surpsired.

"YEAH" And ick sans go up to Epic and try beating him up. Wowie! How RUDE!! Their like the MURDER TIME TRIO but more mysterious!!! Achually not really because Ink is my brother. And I guess he realizes this beause my brotato chip stops and not beats up Epic.

"oh hey fresh!ink aka my brother!!! My bad, you enjoy your date LOL" Ick says. Uhmmm...date!??! Ermm...I kinda blush but this is not a date!!!!

"oh yeah. this is totally a date, yeah. we're deeefinetly about to smewch it up right now." crossy road says sarcasmly. !!! this is very embarisisng...also how is cross just acting like i didnt confess to him??? man i sure messed things up if he completly forgot... 

I decade to play along since I want those bullies to leaf us alone! "Yeah broskis!! So leave us alone if you dont wanna see all three of us totally clink chompers!!!"

"hey bruh I mean..that doesnt sound too bad not gonna lie" Eic says sounding very genyuin. What!!!

"Oh theyre getting a little too positiv e now...ghrrr...COME ON star sanses LETS GET OUT OF HERE" drem says. It worked!!! Now we can finally explore the Scienc center!!! 

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