Boston Pt.1

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(Time hop ~ 2 weeks later )

48 hours left remained until the big show, Boston meant so much to Dermot so why not end the tour with a bang? Was it selfish to share such an intimate moment with well...the world? What if the plan failed, and he hadn't prepared a backup? Everything had to go right, there was little to no margin for error. 

Just then the phone rings,

Dermot: Yea...

Caller: Hello my beautiful nephew! Is everything ready? My flight is in 45 minutes.

Dermot: All is set. Will you still be able to make that stop for me?

Caller: Of course! and stop stressing...I can feel the tension all the way in London! Allie is going to be so surprised. Oh, and I brought a few things. Be sure to send the hotel info too, please. 

Dermot: Already on it! Well, I have to run, see you soon! Safe travels

Caller: Take care, darling. Love you!

- Call ends -

Allie was downstairs reading a book with her headphones in. Dermot could hear her singing along to Bon Jovi. With a chuckle, he finished packing his bag, after his morning call he started on his vocal break. Instead of the millions of calls that need to be had, he would text. There was a knock at the door, Allie clearly had not heard it. With a slight jog, Dermot headed down the stairs, briefly kissing Allie on top of the head as he passed to the door. Opening the door he revealed Carlos. 

"Hey man, how have you been?" Carlos asked embracing Dermot in a hug.

Pointing to his throat, Dermot smiled and motioned for Carlos to come in. 

"Oh, vocal break! Damn, should have known. Did you pack everything?

Dermot gives the nod and thumbs up. Carlos follows him into the living room. Allie notices the two and takes out her earphone.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asks looking at Carlos curiously.

"Don't act like you are not happy to see this face!" responded Carlos with a goofy grin. He flops into the seat next to Allie and immediately looked down at his phone. Noticing her frown, he flips the phone over and gives a sheepish grin. Dermot reentered the room bringing coffee for the two and his favorite tea for himself. 

"So, you and Tyler?  Did you ever figure out the whole Zeke thing?" Allie asks

"Apparently, it was just a spur-the-moment thing. But to be honest, how do I forgive him for going on a date with his ex," says Carlos said exasperatedly.

"Ok, Ross!" Allie sarcastically adds in

"It's obvious Rachel and Ross were not on a break!" Dermot writes down on a notepad nearby

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"It's obvious Rachel and Ross were not on a break!" Dermot writes down on a notepad nearby.

"Piss off, Irish man!" Carlos retorts tossing a pillow at Dermot. However, with his quick skills, Dermot easily dodges the pillow. 

"Moving on from that...Are you coming to Dermots' Boston show? It's going to be epic!" says Allie

"Eh...Maybe busy that night. I don't think the boss will let me off. But Im sure you will enjoy it for us both. " Carlos responds. 

Just then Dermot flashes his notepad, where he quickly scribbled

" Speaking of Boston gotta go review the setlist. "

He sets down his favorite tea mug and gets up from his chair. He gives Allie a quick kiss before grabbing his keys and jogging out the door. 

Smiling as she watches Dermot walk out the door she says, " How did I get so lucky?" 

"Somehow you managed to snag one of the last good ones," Carlos said barely looking up from his phone. 

AN ✨ So were Ross and Rachel on a break? Vote below 

😍 : Not on a break

🤬: On a break

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