The Reunion

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Party time ~

As the guests came flooding in one after the other the Carlyle home was becoming packed. Everyone seemed to be in good mood including the birthday man himself. He was floating around re-telling his glory days to his friends and other guests. Laughter can be heard barreling out from the family room. Reluctantly, Ty and Allie were in attendance today. Emma had promised an open bar would be there and to be truthful it was needed. As you know Emma Carlyle is big on appearances and refuses to let anyone think her family is less than perfect. Because the place was packed mostly with their parent's friends and some family members Tyler and Allie were tucked away in a corner. Tyler was looking around the room as the two were talking just then he freezes, all the blood drains his face as he looks like a ghost. Horrified he points a finger, "Uh...what now?" he stammers. But before he can recover and divert his sister's gaze she sees who just walked in. Abruptly, Allie stalks over to Kasey.

"You!" she mutters through a clenched jaw.

"Al...let me explain," Kasey responds holding her hands up as if to say wait a minute.

" don't get to explain and you sure as hell can't call me Al!" Allie coldly responded before turning on her heel and walking off. Kasey extends an arm to grab her friend gently. Tyler rushing over to diffuse the sitch ushers the two women out of the foyer and into an adjoining room. 

Closing the door behind him, he turns to the two and says. "Time and a place, ladies. In front of everyone But, what are you doing here Kasey?" he inquires further.

With a huff, Kasey sits in a chair across the room. "Invited. Im here because I was invited." Turning to face Allie she adds, "I know I screwed up, it got out of control. I never meant to hurt you!" As she spoke her last word, a loud ding emanated in the room.

"Just me, sorry must have forgotten to put this on vibrate," Tyler said waiving his phone as if it was a white flag. "Carlos is here, let me go get him real quick," he adds before quickly leaving the room. A few minutes passed and Tyler walked in followed by Carlos. 

"H-Hey ...." Carlos sheepishly said sensing the tension in the room. 

"I don't have time for this!" Allie exclaimed bursting out of her chair in an attempt to leave the room. Before she can get to the door, Carlos throws his arm across her path blocking her.

Rubbing his temples, he sighs and says, "this...needs to end. It's all gone too far." Looking between both girls he adds, " If Ty and I can reconcile, you two can at least be cordial and get through events without snatching each other's throats out. " Despite his words Carlos looked sick, he gently puts his hands to his head with the heel of his palms. "Ugggghhh! The deserve to know the truth!" he says finally releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. Carlos then turns Allie and directs her back to his chair, crossing back over to the room. He takes his seat on the couch next to Tyler. 

Allie stunned and somewhat confused simply replies, " go on, what truth do I need to know?" 

Rubbing his temples, Carlos barely whispers. "We all knew..."

AN: Super short right???? So what do we know....any guesses where we are headed?

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