Break me 💔

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Next Day around 9 am 

Allie was sleeping in, Dermot didn't mind quiet mornings, he was just happy she was here, now. He took care of a lot in preparation for the next show.  It was about 9:38 am, he was scrolling through his phone. 

Meanwhile, upstairs Allie just opened her eyes. Reaching for her phone, eyes squinting in an attempt to adjust to the morning sun streaming in the window. Looking at the time she suddenly realizes just how quiet the room is.  "Der...Dermot?" she stutters looking around in brief fog. Her eyes finally adjusted, as she looks around the room, was she dreaming? Did she even go to him? Finally, she sits up in bed, she hears faint shuffling feet downstairs. She slowly rises from the bed, tossing the covers off of her. Clutching her phone in her hands, she quietly stands and begins to walk towards the door. Whoever was downstairs had started making more noise, "Is that the blender?". she asks herself. 

Taking the stairs 2 at a time, she skips down them. "Dermot!?" 

Hearing her call his name, he quickly spun around nearly spilling his freshly brewed coffee. " Allison!" he called back with a light chuckle that made his eyes seem to sparkle. He crosses from behind the kitchen island to where she stood by the fridge. Taking her into his arms he pulls her into him, he kisses her deeply. Allie can feel him begin to smile as he suddenly breaks their kiss. She fakes a pout and he kisses her on the tip of the nose. 

"Coffee?" he asks raising an eyebrow. Then turning around he went back to the coffee pot and poured her a cup. 

"You already know I do!" Allie said calling after him and walking over to join him at the counter. "Cr-..."

"Cream and no sugar, I know. I even added your favorite Italian Sweet Cream creamer," he added passing her the coffee cup.

"You are so amazingly perfect." She said smiling like a Cheshire and taking her coffee to the living room. Plopping down on the couch, she rests her feet on the ottoman and grabs the remote. Scrolling through the TV apps she decides on Prime. She selects Good Omens, the new season just started.  Joining her, Dermot kisses her temple and sits next to her. 

"So Boston date is getting closer and closer," he said. It was different Allie could sense a bit of nervousness in his voice. Picking up the remote she pauses her show.

"Babe, is everything ok?" she questions carefully, crossing one leg under the over she turns to him. 

"I...(breathes deeply) a bit," he admitted.  "Im planning a surprise during the show. Im hoping it will go as planned. 

"Im sure it will...there's no reason for things to go bad. Plus this is like your 1000th show." Allie responded reassuringly.

"Not quite. But I appreciate that you care so much" he smiled placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life wi-" Clearing his throat he reaches for his coffee. Praying that she didn't catch the direction that sentence was heading. Allison Carlyle isn't dumb, she totally caught on to his sudden drop. Slightly raising an eyebrow, she decided to ignore the words but secretly promised herself she would discover the truth. Sure they've been together for a while now, but marriage? Was this something she really wanted?

 Sure they've been together for a while now, but marriage? Was this something she really wanted?

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✨ oop ; ) 

(Meanwhile, across town, Tyler and Carlos were talking.)

The guys agreed to meet and talk about things. This in itself was proving to be very difficult. They met over at their apartment. Carlos had been staying with a friend for a while, this was their first attempt to work things out. Suddenly, a line of texts comes streaming in on Tyler's phone and he's fumbling to turn the notifications off. 


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"You good Ty?" Carlos asked as he noticed the man's panic.

"Yeah, I'm fine totally fine," Tyler lied.

"If you were fine, you wouldn't act like that," Carlos pointed out.

"I'm not acting like anything?" Tyler said a bit defensive.

"Im just saying, man! No one who isn't acting like anything wouldn't act like that," Carlos explained, heatedly.

"Okay then, if I'm acting like something, what is it!?" Tyler asked, annoyed."

"Like you're hiding, something, that texts a lot," Carlos replied, as he pointed to Tyler's phone.

"And why do you think that Sherlock Homes," Tyler replied sarcastically,

"I don't know, through your body language," Carlos answered.

"Okay Ursula!", Tyler scoffed. 

Was this the truth? Was it nothing? Who caused the phone to go off? I guess we will have to find out. "This is going nowhere, thought we were going to try honesty? Carlos shot back.

"Zeke! It's Zeke.." with a sigh of relief. "He's wanting to meet up. To be honest, I kinda want to go." Tyler finally admitted.

"ok, so go," Carlos responded coldly.

"Just like that..." Tyler responded now standing up and looking down at who was supposed to be the love of his life. 

"Yea," Carlos coldly said. Raising up from the couch, the two are standing mere inches away from one another. "You've obviously made your choice. Why should I sway you? I may have made my mistakes but you have always had one foot out the door." At this point, Carlos was staring right into Tyler's eyes. Instead of anger, Tyler only saw hurt. He finally did it, he finally broke him. 

Pushing past him, holding back tears. Carlos leaned down, picked up his phone, and walked out of the room. Turning around Tyler called after him, "Car- Carlos! Im sorry!". Realizing that his words were just a little too late, he sat down putting his head into his hands grumbling. "Fuck!" he said through gritted teeth. 

In the bedroom Carlos slammed the door, throwing his phone into the wall. He muffled his screams, tears streaming down his face, he collapses onto the floor. His heart was shattering into a million pieces. The person he wanted the most, was sat on the other side of the door. Frozen and immobile, not willing to come in and save his love from drowning. 

 ✨ [okay Elsa and Anna ; ) ]

✨AN: Take a breath, everyone, let's head across town. Cuz damn!!! ✨

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