Home Alone.

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            Tiffany's parents were on a date and entrusted her to stay home alone. It was very windy and snowy outside so she curled up on the couch with her favorite quilt and watched a horror movie that she first saw when she was nine. She was on her phone when she noticed a figure outside.

                She squinted her eyes to see what this figure was. She then looked at the door which was locked and felt safer. Tiffany looked outside in the windy snow storm. It was a man. She figured it was someone who got lost or was walking their dog. When her parents left though she noticed that they were struggling and trying to keep the snow out of there face. This mysterious man was not struggling at all. He was standing upright but he was holding something. Straining her eyes the man held up what he was holding. It was a bloody knife in his hand.

              Tiffany went under her quilt slowly hoping that he would not see her. She took out her phone and called 911. These were the words she said. " Officer there is a man standing outside with a bloody knife. I am home alone and scared please come quick.

              Two police came. One girl and one boy. The mysterious man was not outside anymore. The police officer was investigating outside while the woman was sitting next to Tiffany hearing her story. The officer came inside and told the said "There were no footprints in the snow and there wood be if he was here just a minute ago." " Honey," said the female officer, " it was probably just an optical illusion, so I advise you to stop watching scary movies." Then Tiffany replied with tears streaming down her face, "I watch that movie all the time I swear amongst my life that there was someone just out side that window!!!!!"   

                " Wait" said the male officer. "Someone was here." He staring at the floor behind the couch. Tiffany balling, with tears that would fit up the when ocean, was afraid to look. She did though. What she saw was a track of muddy and wet footprints with a bloody knife laying on the floor.

           "He wasn't outside. What you saw was his reflection standing right behind you..."

           With those last words Tiffany through up scared to death. She then blacked out and never woke up again with the thought that there was someone watching her every move.

The Man in the Bae Window.Where stories live. Discover now