Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Long ago there was a great kingdom known as Galloway. It was ruled by a just and capable King by the name of Isaiah Bennett, and by his side was his loving Queen, Lisa. Galloway was in an era of peace and prosperity, for so long that the two decided to further expand their family. So, nine full moons later, the world was gifted by the birth of their baby boy. Together the couple decided that their new son and kingdom's prince name was to be Mason. A week later all the subjects of the kingdom had gathered and paraded in front of the castle in celebration of the newest edition to its esteemed royal family. Coming out and on to the grand balcony the King and Queen looked over all the people and had smiles on their faces. Isaiah spoke out to the crowd as loud and proud as any King could.

"My dear people! For as long as I have been your King I have always said one thing. That there is no higher honor or anything that would make a man prouder than to rule such a strong nation. Well, that was before I became a father. Now I can say that without a doubt, being a King is the second highest prestige a man could ever hope to obtain. But enough about me, rejoice everyone! Cheer until your voices can't be heard! Praise Prince Mason!" Isaiah held Mason up high for the world to bask in his glory. The crowd below roared with adoration as the chants soon began to spread.

"Praise Prince Mason!

Praise Prince Mason!

Praise Prince Mason!"

The chant itself seemed to go on for hours. The celebration afterwards would inevitably last until the suns warm rays no longer blanketed the castles mighty walls. Isaiah and Lisa were exhausted and just about ready to end their day before they were greeted by a rather frustrated looking guard. "We imprisoned an elderly man for trespassing on royal grounds. Said that he refused to leave until he had a word with the two of you." He turned towards Isaiah specifically. "Shall I have him killed my liege?" Isaiah pondered on the decision for only a moment before his eyes connected with Lisa. She wasn't looking back at him; she was looking down at the crib. Inside the crib was baby Mason, sound asleep. Isaiah saw his son as well and stood silent for a second before turning back to the guard. "The poor man probably has a family. Let us hear what he has to say and we will send him on his way come next morning's light." The guard was reluctant but eventually obliged with a sigh before leading them to the holding chambers. Stopping to open the door for Isaiah and Lisa the guard pointed to the cell closest to them. Behind the bars was a motionless figure, low and in the shadows.

Isaiah cleared his throat before speaking up to whoever it was. "I believe you wanted to see us?" The man had turned around slowly, and a smile crept upon his lips. "I was expecting to be put to death . . . God truly has blessed me with your presence. I-" Lisa interrupted before he could continue with his appreciation. "Yes, sir but we don't have long. I don't intend to keep our son waiting, so could you please make it quick? It had to be something important enough for you to risk your life by trespassing on royal grounds." The man's smile quickly dissipated.

"Yes, your son . . . that's actually why I came seeking the two of you." Lisa and Isaiah looked at each other in confusion before looking back at the old man. "What . . . do you mean by that?" Lisa said very cautiously. The man came forward a little, his face illuminated by the faint light. He had pure terror written all over his face. "Your highness, I am no ordinary man. I am the last of the Holy Templars." Isaiah stepped forward. "The Holy Templars? You fought alongside my father? . . . Before he passed, he told me stories about all of you, that in a group effort you were the ones who sealed away . . . Amrak. " He shook his head a bit and changed his tone to fit a more serious note. "You said this all ties back to my son. I'd like to know just what you're implying. You'd better spill it out old man." Lisa looked over to Isaiah, not having heard this tone in his voice in quite some time. Her eyes widened a bit seeing him, thinking he was going to be stone cold in his stance, he was shaking . . .

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