Chapter 3: The Guardian

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    Just as its always managed to do, time moved on in the kingdom of Galloway. The dark cloud that draped over the land had long since lifted. As time passed the inhabitants of the kingdom had their mixed opinions on who would eventually brandish the nickname "Bennett's Chosen". While many had optimism, most had their doubts and reasonably applied anxieties. Upon finding out that a newborn baby held their lives in his hands many panicked, dozens even took their own lives the night the news escaped the Queen's lips. Despite having such heavy responsibilities, Mason still did his best to live the happy life like any other eight-year-old would. Lisa had far less time to be able to spend with her son and knowing this she appointed him a worthy knight to be his guardian and accompany him wherever he went. The guardian's name was Gabriel, a tall man with coarse dark flowing hair with eyes that shined like emeralds. He was very serious when it came to watching over Mason, but he also knew when to take things easy or be a proper pillar of support. Gabriel was a part of the castles guard when the last King had fallen, so he had taken it upon himself to be the father figure that he knew Mason needed. It was an early morning, when Gabriel had entered the young princes room.

     Mason was sound asleep in his bed, the warmth of his covers was like a blissful everlasting hug. It was then he felt the gentle nudge followed by muffled words that he could make out to be "Mason, wake up. We have lots of training to get to today." The boy groaned, squirming about as he did. Groggily he muttered out in his small voice, "We train every day ... can't I just have five more minutes ?" Gabriel sighed softly before resting his hand against Mason's head, petting the boy softly before sitting down in the chair besides his bed. "Alright, but just  five more. Got it?" The boy happily turned over in his bed, Gabriel looked at him and smiled softly before leaning against the wall and shutting his own eyes. This time, it was Gabriel who had awoken to the muffled words of "Wake up." He replied with an almost sassy tone, "Hey ... how come I don't get five more minutes?" To which the voice rang out louder and much clearer this time, " Gabriel! " It's this sudden volume that made the man shoot right out of his chair; he was suddenly looking down into the eyes of the Queen herself. Those brown eyes of hers were practically forged of the sharpest daggers in existence. Gabriel looked over to the bed and saw Mason cowering in his sheets before his gazed focus back to Lisa. He let out a brief bit of nervous laughter before speaking. "Ah, my Queen ... you're looking lovely as ever." Lisa's cold stare showed no form of amusement to the quick improvised compliment.  She spoke with authority in her tone. "The two of you were to begin training an hour ago. I suggest the both of you get down to the training quarters immediately." Gabriel nodded and stood at salute in her words. She turned to leave the room, just as she was about to depart, she turned her head to them. "I needn't remind you what will happen should this situation reoccur, do I ?" Mason and Gabriel both shook their heads in unison in response, even replying with a unified "No mam." Soon enough they both were out of the door and making their way towards the training grounds, practically sprinting down the hallway away from Mason's room. Lisa had watched from the opposite end of the hallway as the two of them bolted away from danger. She couldn't help but let her lips purse up into a smile. Even if it was from a distance, watching her boy grow up put a special warmth in her chest.

     After a couple hours of sparring and other routines it was time for a rest. Mason had climbed onto a rock to sit down; from his view he was able to see into the city below the castle. It was then that his stomach rumbled, the fatigues from his training were finally coming to collect their toll. Putting a hand over his belly he pointed toward the city. "Hey Gabe, how come we've never eaten there?" Gabriel, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow looked to where Mason's vision was locked on to. Seeing the distant city he turned back to Mason, "Well why eat there when we have the best chefs right here in the castle?" The answer made the boy tilt his head, "How do we know what we have is the best if we haven't tried anything else? Can we please go and eat there? Please Gabe?" Mason had put on his best display of pleading eyes. Gabriel looked to the city and back at Mason before sighing. He looked up to the sky and saw there was still a decent amount of daylight left. "We'll have to walk, no one gets a horse here without your mothers permission, and we'll have to make it quick. If she notices we're gone we're done for!" Mason smiled wide and hopped off the rock tossing aside his practice equipment and followed Gabriel's lead. "Hey slow down! Your legs are longer than mine!" The two of them laughed as they made their way to a side gate along the castle walls.

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