💖 Girls Chat! 💖

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Just some background info, this is an AU chat, where our very lovable Lloyd and Cole aren't single, and harumi is good! Also seliel will be in this! This is only for this chapter bc Lloyd and Cole as single pringles is the best! As much as I love Llorumi, I need them single in other chapters! So just for this chapter!

Skylor started a chat
Skylor added nya, pixal, seliel and harumi
Nya names the chat 🔥 ✨ GIRL POWER!!!! 🔥 ✨
Seliel- SUP GALS!!!
Skylor- Ok sooooooo what's good gals!
Nya- Nothing, just kicked the boys butts AGAIN 🤣
Pixal- I agree! The boys are very weak! We are proven to be stronger!
Skylor- Can't argue with ya pix!
Seliel- SLAY NYAAAA!!!
Nya- Thanks guys 😊!
Skylor- Aaaaannnyyyywaaaayyyyy, pixal! How's things going with zaaaaannneeee?
Pixal- We are indeed still very compatible! He hasn't been helping with the mechs as much!
Nya- 😔 boys will always prefer video games, but that's fine! Who says we need them?
Seliel- OMG y'all we should go on a girls day!
Harumi- SEL, YASSSSS!!!!
Skylor- i vote yes 🙌
Pixal- i second that!
Nya- Then it's on! Hey we should prank them!! Meet me at the park 15 mins sharp ⏰
Skylor- Kk nya
*they leave the chat*
Pixal- Hi guys!
Seliel- ok so nya, whats ur plan? Ofc after the girls day out!
Nya- I'm thinking we cover their rooms with photos of us!
Harumi- To spice it up a bit, we should like make it switched! Like pixal photos would be all over jays room! That'll make ''em jelly!!!
Skylor- RUMI U R A GENIUS!!!
Harumi- ikr, I could be like an evil criminal mastermind 😂
Seliel- FR! FR!!
Nya- ok here's the plan, we go on our girls day out from now 1pm-6pm! Then harumi, seliel distract the boys! Get them out of the monastery for a couple of hours! Return back at mm 9:30! Me, Skylor and pixal will set the prank up and we'll text if plans change! Sound good?
Harumi- yes ma'am
Seliel- Lets do this!
Skylor- Where to first?
Pixal- Mall?
They go on a shopping spree and all they got the boys was boxers 😝 S.A.V.A.G.E  they get their nails done and go to skylors place to initiate the plan and play fun games!
*at 6pm*
Seliel- ok guys! Plan is on!
Pixal- Mission-prank-the-boys-for-no-revenge-but-just-for-fun-because-they-are-annoying is a go!
Nya- 0_0 maybe u shouldn't name operations pix
Skylor- Operation-selfie is a go!
Harumi- eh needs work
Seliel- VAMOS GUYS!!!
Pixal- COMING!!!
To be continued...
Probably at 12am cuz I'm bored 😂 or tmrw lol-

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