Coles Credit Card

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Jay- Cooooooleeeee
Cole- Jaaaaaaayyy wdyw
Jay- 😶 nothing u know? Say I was just wondering, what's ur credit card number? Oh and on a completely unrelated note, there this new VR set with my favorite video game but it costs 696969600 dollars
Cole- why do u want my credit card info?
Jay- oh hehehe 😅 that's just what buddies do? Oh yeah! They share their credit card info! As my best friend, we should trust each other enough to do that right hehehe 😅
Cole- something's not right... ok then share UR credit card info
Jay- bro I didn't even know what a credit card is until last night 😂 why would I have one
Kai- more like why Ru texting on the group chat?
Cole and jay- zip it Kai!
Kai- geez 🙄
Lloyd- no but actually-
Cole and jay- ZIP IT LLOYD!
Jay- sooooo Cole? How bout that credit card *virtually clicks tongue*
Cole-Nice try jay, I'm not buying it
Cole- well not like that but- ohhhh wait I get it! Ahaha daddy coles not gonna give u my credit card!
Nya- did u just-
Kai- he just did-
Zane- why did you refer to your self as daddy?
Cole- just let it go
Jay- it's hard not to...?
Lloyd- sus
Jay and Cole- ZIP IT LLOYD!!
Lloyd- *offended* WHATD I DO!?!?
Nya- no clue
Jay- Kai? Credit card?
Kai- don't even bluebell I'm not as dumb as Cole to do that
Cole- heyyy!
Lloyd- nope ur dumber
Zane- Actually, according to my virtual dictionary "dumber" is not classified as a real word. In fact the term that would be more appropriate would be "more dumb" rather than "dumber"
Lloyd- 😩 screw ur virtual dictionary
Nya- soooo ur telling me Lloyd roasted Kai then Zane roasted lloyd? Goddamn y'all!
Zane- actually the term "roasted" is not suitable for this situation instead use-
Jay- anyone?! I NEED MONEYYYY!!
Nya- jay, that's just an overpriced video game! There's no point!
Cole- and ur broke AF
Lloyd- tell me about it!
Jay- hmf! Meanies! Imma save up on my own!
Jay has left the chat
Cole- how many centuries are we gonna wait till he even starts working
Lloyd- Ninjago would literally not exist anymore by then
Kai- jay can't even get his own water!
Nya- ur one to talk Kai! Yesterday, I had to use my own powers and personally carry the water to you!
Kai- shhh! We don't speak about that
Lloyd- does he even know what PM is?
Zane- It is safe to assume not. At his rate of laziness, he will successfully earn 696900 dollars in 272372397297372932929399279492729794292497427429427923924974972497292793729824989273287329732989328 years, approximately
Kai- I'm not a math guy but that looks like a lot
Nya- cuz it is Kai!
Zane- would you like me to teach and assist you in the process of math Kai?
Kai- uhmmm hehehe uh-
Lloyd- u know what he would LOVE that!
Nya- seriously tho!
Cole- yep! Whatever it takes for him to get that in his bite sized brain!
Kai- GUYS!!
Nya has left the chat
Lloyd has left the chat
Cole has left the chat
Zane- good then *evil smirk* where shall we begin?
Kai was never seen again

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