Chapter five

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Chapter Five

          “Oh, are you sent from another class?” Asked Mr. Swell, Wilbur’s first period History teacher.

          “Uh, no” Said Teal knowing Wilbur would take it from there. Which, of course, he did.

          “This is Teal.” Explained Wilbur, “Her family is probably moving here next month and they wanted Teal to check out the school. She is staying with my family this week so she’ll be coming to school with me all this week.” He smiled a fake, cheesy smile.

          “Oh,” Said Mr. Swell, “I better run this by the principal.”

          “No!” Yelled Wilbur. Mr. Swell looked at him, shocked, “I mean,” He did an uncomfortable laugh, “He already knows, my mom called about it over the weekend.”

          “Oh,” Said Mr. Swell, going around his desk to sit down, “Well then Teal, I guess you can take a seat in the desk behind Wilbur.” 

          Teal slowly walked past the students who had been sitting in their seats and watching the whole conversation. Their eyes her as she sat down at the desk in the back of the room. The desks were very futuristic. They hovered slightly above the ground and a large tablet replaced the top of the desk.

          “Okay class,” Mr. Swell began, “Today we are going to be reading chapter six in our history books. Now, everyone please open your books and turn to page four ninety one-” He paused, noticing Teal who was trying to figure out where she got a history book from, “Teal.”

          Teal looked up at him and noticed that everyone else’s eyes were on her, except Wilbur’s.

          “Teal,” He said again, “Doesn’t your school at home have these kinds of desks? You should, it’s required for all schools.”

          Wilbur’s head shot around and looked at Teal. His eyes got wide and he mouthed the word, “Yes.”

          “Yes,” Teal replied, “We do.”

          “So don’t you know how to use it?” He asked her.

          Teal’s heart was pounding one hundred miles a minute and her hands were getting sweaty. She had know idea how to use this new technology. Yet, if she wanted to pretend she was from the future, she needed to. “Yes,” Teal finally replied, “I do.”

          “Good,” Mr. Swell said, “Now like I was saying, open your books to page-”

          Wilbur turned around. “Tap each corner,” He whispered.

          Teal tapped each corner and the tablet turned on.

          “Good,” Wilbur said, “Now, tap on the icon that looks like a yellow cloud.”

          Teal obeyed and the cover of the history book popped up. 

          “Now tap the little box at the bottom and type in the page number and when you need to turn the page just tap the little arrow buttons.”

          Teal tapped the box and a keyboard popped up on the screen. She typed in the page number. 


          “Teal!” Announced Mr. Swell, “Why don’t you start us off by reading the first paragraph.”

          Teal looked at her desk and began to read, “On September Eleventh Two-thousand and one, two planes flew into the Worlds Trade Center in New York (Now Called Old Jersey). When the first plane hit the first Twin Tower, everyone thought it was a mistake. But, When the second plane hit, they knew this was no accident. In this chapter, you will learn all about this horrific day and the lives lost. You will also learn about the ways we honor those lives more than thirty five years later.”

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