Chapter Three

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Chapter three

          Wilbur and Teal waked to the front door. Two identical heads popped out of the two pots next to the door, which made Teal scream.

          “Calm down,” Laughed Wilbur, “This is Uncle Spike and Uncle Dmitri. Guys, this is my friend Teal. She’s going to be staying with us this week.”

          Teal smiled at the heads.

          They seemed to ignore every word Wilbur said because right away they said, “Ring my doorbell.” Then the other one said, “No! Ring my doorbell.” 

          Wilbur interrupted, “Guys, I live here we don’t need to ring the doorbell.” Wilbur took a credit card like thing out of his back pocket and scanned it on the doorknob. The door opened and inside a giant squid with one eye greeted them. Teal screamed louder than she did when she met the twins.

          Wilbur laughed uncontrollably, “That’s Lefty, he’s our butler.”

          Teal rolled her eyes and pushed Wilbur’s shoulder causing him to lose his balance and have to stable himself.

          They walked down a long hallway and at the end, there was a door with music notes on it. Teal could hear music coming from inside. Wilbur opened the door, and to Teal’s surprise, Inside was a band of frogs. They were playing instruments and one was even singing. Teal was officially creeped out. Not only did she dislike frogs, but knowing that they were wearing suits and could talk made it worse. 

          The lady who was directing cut them off, “Take five, boys.” She told them. 

          “Mom,” Wilbur began, a worried look in his eyes, “This is my friend Teal.”

          “Hi Teal, I’m Wilbur’s mom, Franny.” Franny extended her hand to Teal and Teal extended hers and shook it.

          “Uh,” Wilbur swallowed, “Teal is going to have to stay with us for a week while her parents are on vacation. I told her, last week, that it would be fine with you but I just forgot to ask you.” He did an embarrassed laugh.

          “Uh,” Franny stayed all smiles, but Teal could tell that she was a little agitated, “Well, I guess she has to considering she has no other place to go.” Franny frowned, “Wilbur, just don’t forget to tell me these things so I can at least get a room ready.” She turned to Teal, “If I sound mad, it’s not towards you. It’s not your fault, It’s Wilbur’s.”

          Teal smiled uncomfortably, knowing that it was her fault. She did crash the time machine anyway.

          “Do you want her to sleep in the guest room?” Wilbur asked Franny.

          “Yes,” Franny replied, “I’ll change the sheets later.”

          “Oh no,” Said Teal, worried about how bothersome she already was, “It’s really fine, I’m sure they’re not dirty.”

          “It’s really no big deal,” Said Franny, “I just want to be a good hostess.”

          “You’ve already done enough, you know letting me stay last minute. It’s fine.” Explained Teal.

          “Well,” Said Franny, smiling, “If you insist.”

          Wilbur walked Teal upstairs. “This is your room,” He said pointing to a white door. “And mines right next door.” He pointed to the door next to the white one. Wilbur’s door was blue. 

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