chapter 2. if we meet again

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Armin's pov

as i walked home i was wondering if i was ever gonna see Jean's  eyes Again...."why am i thinkig this" i said to myself after i stopped thinking about Jean's eyes.

i take my headphone's out of my pocket and Begins to listen to my music, and i guessed i kinda zoned out bc the Next thing i know i bumb into nother person and fall to the ground.

i look up and to my big surprise its Jean!

"i-im so sorry, i zoned out i-i didnt see you" i say as i look Down at my feet embaressed, "its fine don't worry about it" Jean says befoe ealizing WHO he bumbed into.

"A-armin" Jean said before turning tomato red, "i-im so sorry...Again" Jean said and walked awy Again, i quickly yelled "JEAN!" Jean turned around and looked at me, "i-i was wondering if you wanted to go to my place?" i asked, i looked at Jean WHO  was looking Down at hhis shoes.

"sure why not" Jean said as he looked up Again.

Jean's pov

i was walking home looking Down at my phone when i suddenly bumbed into someone,  "i-im so sorry, i zoned out i-i didnt see you" says the person now sitting on the path, "its fine dont worry about it" i say as i realixe WHO i bumbed into.

"A-armin" i say before turning mato red in my face, "hes so cute i think as i look at him , "i-im so sorry...again" i say before i start walking away, "JEAN!" i hear armin call so turn around, "i-i was wondering if you wanted to go to my place?" Armin ask, i answer witha "sure why not" and start following the cute boy.

little blue eyes...(jean x armin)Where stories live. Discover now