Code Name: Rabbit

994 39 35


In the underworld, he was a notorious assassin known for his efficiency and above ninety percent success rate. Even those where he failed, caused not by his incompetence, but by other situations; like the target suddenly dying due to illness or accident before he could enact his plans.

And as a professional hitman, no one knew what [Rabbit] looked like but the highest management team of the organization. So, unless one of the management sold him out, [Rabbit]'s real identity would remain safe.

But being elusive did not prevent his tale from getting spread far and wide, sometimes even getting embellished so much that the assassin himself felt it was ludicrous.

Like the saying that he could transform into anyone, or use any weapon, or have bewitching magic.

But no, [Rabbit] himself knew he was just an ordinary person. If there was something he could be proud of, it would be his tenacious nature and hard-working ethic. There was also his cool-headedness, which was imperative for any assassin worth their penny.

That cool-headedness, however, was not always prevalent.

"This is ridiculous!"

Like now, when he was slamming his palm over the table, a folder of documents between them jolted slightly from the impact. The small letter in front spelled #unit6case9 which was the code for his newest mission.

"Hieek!" the young man who gave him the folder scooted further into the chair. "Don't get angry at me! I'm just relaying what the higher-up ordered, hyung..."

Looking at the whimpering young man in front of him, [Rabbit] could only grit his teeth. He knew it was the higher-up's trick. They knew he had a soft spot for this kid, whose real name and age were similar to his dead brother. They must have sent this order through the kid so he couldn't throw a fit in the office.

"Damn it! Don't they know I've never done honeytrap before?"

"Even if you ask me..."

Of all the things the [Rabbit] could do, seduction wasn't one of them. He was more on the side that got seduced, usually. If it was seduction, [Peacock] or [Swan] would be better for the mission.

So the agency either wanted to test him, or screw with him. [Rabbit] just didn't know which one.

But in the end, he was a professional. Whether it was a test or an attempt to screw him up, he just need to—

"Umm...should I tell them you can't?" the boy asked sheepishly.

Which got the [Rabbit] to slam his palm on the folder again, the end of his lips twitching upward. "Can't? Did you just say I can't do this?"

Him? The [Rabbit] that never failed to jump on his prey? It wasn't that he couldn't—he just never did before.

The poor boy, meanwhile, just frantically shook his head.

Now—now this was a challenge. And one which he would do spectacularly.

"Tell them to sit tight and wait," the [Rabbit] snarled as he snatched the mission folder. "I'm going to ace this."

And with that, he left the poor boy in a mix of fear and awe. [Rabbit] might regret this decision later, but for now, he was burned with both anger and passion to prove himself, without knowing what kind of ordeal might befall him.

Whether it was his cool-headedness, his tenacity, or his wit—everything would be put to a test for this mission.

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