You Should Have Known

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Yoohan could feel his blood run cold the moment the word [Rabbit] came out of the guy's mouth. His eyes shook as he stared at the gleaming pale eyes, shining coldly within the dim light of the pleasure room. The charming smile on that handsome face felt more like a beastly snarl of a predator.

For the first time in his life, [Rabbit] felt like he turned into a prey.

"Hmm, I thought [Rabbit] specialized in close combat assassination," the smooth voice continued to fill the room as Yoohan failed to make any response, just staring unblinking as the man started to undo his tie. "I didn't know you also do honeytrap."

What the fuck? How in the world could this man even find out about his specialty? No—in the first place, how could the man even know he was [Rabbit]?!

Before Yoohan could think about it more, the bed dipped as the man took a seat on the mattress. Yoohan flinched involuntarily, and the smile on the man's face stretched wider, showing off dimples that probably could charm every product being sold tonight. That charming smile, however, was followed by a ruthless hand, as the black veil covering Yoohan's lower face was getting yanked off in a swift move.

"Or is it actually your hobby?"

But Yoohan was thankful for that. Thanks to the rough treatment and the sting from the veil's cord snapping and grazing his skin, he snapped out of his stunned state.

"Who the fuck are—mmph!" his effort, however, was getting culled easily by a large hand gripping his mouth.

"Sush," the man smiled with narrowed eyes full of delight. "Such insolent words shouldn't come out from such pretty lips, don't you think?"

Yoohan gritted his teeth, feeling the crushing pressure upon his jaw. Damnit—he knew he was being drugged, but this man was also fucking strong. What kind of rich bastard had a stronger grip than average bouncers?

"Such feisty eyes you have there," the voice descended upon him like a soothing melody, a beautiful whisper as the handsome face hovered closer. In a bout of reflexive reaction, Yoohan moved his limbs as every internal alarm in his body lit up, screaming warning, telling him to escape.

Well, a bit too late for that.

The clanking sound of metal and rattling chains followed the pain in his wrists and ankles, culling Yoohan's means to defend himself. And the man above him didn't even bat an eye at his apparent attempt to rebel, perhaps because the man knew it was such a useless effort. Instead, that nice voice akin to a lullaby continued to grace him.

"Do you know how many patrons you caught with these eyes alone?" the pale eyes curled like a pair of half moons. "Do you know what kind of things they wanted to do to these eyes?"

Yoohan could imagine. He heard of the story; the brutality within these rooms of pleasure. Not so much for the prostitute, but the slave...slave wasn't human. They were toys, dolls made for entertainment—no, amusement. To be used and discarded as easily as these rich patrons discarded their money.

Oh, he heard of course; how they wanted to blind him, to take the piercing orbs and put them on display, to carve tattoos on the pair of obsidian eyes.

A bunch of psychos, those patrons were.

"That's right, you should have known," the man laughed softly at the comprehension on Yoohan's face. "So you should feel thankful that I'm the one who bought you, shouldn't you? I wouldn't do something that distasteful to a living body..."

That didn't bring much assurance for Yoohan, however. As someone who bathed in the darkness of the world, he knew how many people out there had no qualms about doing nasty things to a lifeless body. He wouldn't be surprised if this man was one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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