Private Log - 1016.092

122 3 5

Private Log - 1016.092

I...I-I can't believe it.

For the first the time in hundreds of cycles, I am finally getting close to what I used to be

So much...forgotten

And, something concerns me

As far as I can tell from First and Second-Generation Iterator designs, my systems are quite different

I have an entire section of my can that isn't even present in any other iterators I know of, First or Second Generation

It called the Administrative Network Control Unit, and it allows for me to function in ways I don't think any others of my kind can

I have Administrator privileges, or at least, I used to, the system is online, but in a dormant state, not allowing me to access any of its functions

I should tell Phases about this, she's the senior iterator, maybe she will know what to make of this...

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