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call it what you want

'Cherokee rose'

Season 2 ep4

we woke up really early today, packed up the rv, left a sign for Sophia with food, and then left. "Be careful" I whisper, Daryl and I stood behind the rv, talking quietly. "I will" Daryl says with a nod before pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "Hey Daryl, I hav-" I was about to ask, I really was but I was cut off by dale.

"y/n! Daryl! you ready."

I let out a quiet groan of frustration before walking back around to the other side of the rv, and getting in. I take a seat at the table and place both my elbows on it. the drive was short, there were a couple of times we turned down the wrong road and got lost but we fixed the problem quickly. we pull up to a farm, practically in the middle of nowhere. the only things around it are fields of grass and woods. the main house is pretty big. bigger house than I've ever lived in.

when we all get out of the cars rick, and Lori are walking out of the house. I run up to the both of them and hug Lori. "Is he alright?" I ask in a whispered tone. "he'll pull through" Lori replies with a nod. I pull away "thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori says turning her head back towards an older man and a blonde lady. "And Shane, we'd have lost carl if not for him" rick adds. Shane now has a shaved head and is wearing close at least 2 sizes too big for him. he should've kept the hair. dale hugs rick and carol hugs Lori "thank god we were so worried" she whispers. were all hugging and greeting each other like we didn't just see each other all yesterday. the next person I'm hugging is Glenn. I'm holding onto him as tight as I can. I really can't live without him. "Thought you forgot me" he whispers with a laugh. "I missed you" I whisper as I bury my head in the crook of his neck. "Missed you too" he replies.

"how'd it happen?" dale asks rick. "Hunting accident. that's all- just a stupid accident" rick replies.


we all attend the funeral of who I learned died while going out with Shane to get supplies. Shane says the guy named Otis sacrificed himself. but the look on Shane's face says otherwise. each of us add a rock to pay our respects.

"Blessed be god, father of our lord Jesus Christ. praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. we thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. he died as he lived in grace."

Shane has this look on his face the entire time that just gives away that He's lying. I don't understand why nobody else sees it. "Shane, will you speak for Otis?" Hershel asks. Shane looks like he just shit his pants. "I'm not good at it." Shane responds quickly. "I'm sorry" he whispers as he shakes his head. "You were the last one with him. you shared his final moments." cries a lady named Patricia. "Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning" cries the lady. Shane stands there his mouth gaping open. "okay" he whispers. he looks around thinking about what to say "we were about done.... almost out of ammo. we were down to pistols by then. I was limpin', it was bad.... ankle all swollen up 'we got to save the boy.' see, that's what he said. he gave me his backpack, he shoved me ahead. 'run' he said. he said, "I'll take the rear. i'll cover you.' and when I looked back...." Shane begins to limp towards the large pile of rocks "if not for Otis" he takes a rock out of the wheelbarrow "I'd have never made it out alive. and that goes for carl too. it was Otis. he saved us both. if any death had meaning, it was his." then he placed the rock in the pile. the man was a good liar, I'd give that to him. that was an amazing story he just told there, but it wasn't the truth. I spent the last few months getting to know him, he was like family up until a few days ago. I knew him, he knew me. and I knew he was lying. I'd take that to my grave.

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