Man, oh man you're my best friend.

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(a/n) - similarly to Daryl I can't find an age for Glenn in season one, so I just said he's 22 because I do know he's on the younger side. 

I let out a deep sigh as I laid back on the overgrown grass that tickled at my ankles. "I hate this," I whisper as I stare up at the night sky that was freckled with millions of little stars. Sometimes I wished I could become one of those stars.

I wished I could be up there twinkling so gorgeously instead of being down here fighting to survive. "What?" Glenn whispers as his head turns, so he's facing me. "camping" I whisper back with a giggle. Our whole lives were camping now. We slept in tents, cooked on fires, and bathed in a quarry. My entire life was one of my grandpa's favorite hobbies and my least. how could that even happen? "I wish we could find a neighborhood and clear it out so we could live there," I whispered.

Maybe it was a ridiculous dream, but it didn't seem too farfetched to me. I'm sure other humans have already done it. Clear out a small neighborhood, maybe a gated community and then secure it so no walkers or other humans could get in. Then we could live normal lives and not camp.

"I don't think we can do that," Glenn whispers as his hands reach up to sit behind his head comfortably. "Why?" he shrugs. "Too much work," he whispers back. I sigh as I scoot closer to him, snuggling into his side. "you're like my best friend" It's weird that a man I had met maybe a month ago was my best friend. normally a person wouldn't label someone as their best friend until years of knowing them. but with Glenn, it felt like I had known him for more than a month. it felt like decades. we already knew each other so well; it was like we were made for each other.

Glenn was younger than me, but it never felt that way. Despite being only 22, the same age as my little brother, he was braver than I could ever be. He was brave, so brave he'd throw himself in front of walkers for the entire group if it meant we'd survive. He was selfless, and so kind it was hard to believe that he was only 22.

"Yeah?" he asks. I hum a quiet "mhm," back. "You're my best friend, too."

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