Lilith Richards

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26/12/2014 18.44 P.M. Sydney, Australia - Lilith Richards

"I've come to inform you," he had said. What did he want to tell me? Was something wrong? He looked confused, almost as if he didn't even know what he wanted to tell me himself. I hope he is alright. Wait no, he broke my window, hacked my phone and he's a thief! How can I care about such a person? Still, something deep inside of me keeps telling me that I do care, more and more every day.

Suddenly someone knocks on my door. Grey? No, of course not. Mom's home, she wouldn't just let him go up to my room. Especially not after she saw us together in our house.

"Lily, open the door please honey." I get off my bed lazily, grabbing the small ball I was throwing around the room in one hand and placing the other on the doorknob. Slowly I open the door which squeaks while I do so, as if it's over a hundred years old. I come standing face to face with my mom who looks disappointed, sad and even a little angry. She walks in briskly, sits down on my bed and nods for me to come sit next to her.

I avoid her gaze as she speaks to me. "Are you still planning on telling me about that guy I found on our couch?" I look at her confusedly. Why is she still trying to get that out of me? Can't she see that I don't want to talk about it?

She had returned from work almost immediately after leaving, saying her boss had called telling her she could have that day off as a gift for her hard work. She walked in to find us sitting on the couch and acted normal at first, but soon after? You should've seen her! "Lilith, can you come with me for a second?" I followed her into the kitchen when she asked me who Grey was. I explained everything to her as I couldn't come up with a lie fast enough. I had never seen mom so angry and she told him to leave immediately without even blinking twice!

I don't know how to contact him or whatever, so if I will ever see him again? I don't know.

"Lily? sweetheart, do you like him?"

"Mom! You really think I'd like someone like that? Or at least so fast?" The way I looked at her was as if I was telling her she went out of her mind, but honestly, I wasn't even sure about it myself. I might like him, I might not.

"Listen," she put a hand on my knee and made sure she had my full attention before proceeding, "don't see this as something good, it might come in handy, but don't try it yourself. Lilith, I got you at a young age, which means I am a young mother. That means that I still understand people of your age, and I understand your feelings. Yes, I was angry about finding you with such a guy on our couch but to be honest with you," she pauses looking around the room as if there could be someone spying on us and then leans forward, "he was quite a bit... damn!" I almost choke on the air I am breathing and jump of the bed with bewildered eyes when mom breaks into laughter.

"You did not just call him... hot!" She puts her hands up in defence as she continues laughing.

"You can't blame me! I'm a young mother!"

"And he is still a young boy!" I shout-whisper sitting back on the bed next to her. She takes me into her arms and kisses the top of my head.

"Alright, I'll take you to go sightseeing soon, the whole day, so you better prepare yourself, and if you want to, I'd like to get to know that little Grey guy and he could come with us." I try to hold back my smile but fail and hug mom back.

"That sounds lovely, but," I start my sentence but am cut off by mom groaning.

"Lily, the asses have nothing to do with this okay, leave them out of it please." I laugh and feel her body shake against mine as she laughs along. I tell her she's stupid and then continue my story.

"I don't have his phone number," I tell her. She sighs and the room is silent for a little while.

"I thought he hacked your phone?"

"Yeah to get my number, but he didn't put his in."

"But did he ever call you?" I think back to the day he showed up in front of my door. He had called me that day!

"Yeah once," I say.

"Well, I know a guy who could find his number in your phone, all you have to do is give it to me and I'll get his phone number for you." I hand over my phone to her and she walks out of the room.

"Oh and mom?" Her eyebrows shoot up as she waits for me to say what I wanted to say.

"You're also pretty damn." I smile to her seeing that her face lights up after saying that. She winks and closes the door behind her, leaving me with butterflies hitting their wings against my stomach.

Hi, sorry for not updating for such a long time again, but here the next chapter is! It's quite crappy, yeah, bit I had a writer's block and I didn't want to make anyone wait again so I just typed something... I hope you still like it anyway! So, just two chapters left before it'll all come crashing down on ya ;)
The lady on the photo is Lilith's mother: Natalie Richards - Portman (bcas she's divorced...)

Byee xx
~ Marly

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