Chapter 1: A champion in plain sight.

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Y/n pov:

Hi there. The name's Y/n. Or Red, whichever you prefer...

Well technically, I'm not the ORIGINAL Red. No, his name has become something of a badge of honor in my family. Myself being its most recent bearer, Following my mom. we're also descendants of the legend himself. Right now, I'm the last performer in Kuoh Academy's annual talent show. My talent?  


Y/n: ...


Audience: 'Goes bananas'

Right, forgot to mention... A genetic trait that's been passed through my family is our lack of vocal chords. That, and our badass red eyes. Eh, win some, lose some. Right, time for my next song! I gesture to Sona and then to the piano.

Sona: You want to go again?

I nod.


Now for my next song. One I KNOW a certain redhead will fear...

This one's for you Ma...

Rias pov:

No... That song... I need to tell SirZechs, ASAP! That's the SAME song I hear in my nightmares!!!

Koneko: "whispers" Anyone else feel shivers?

Rias: "Whispers" I know who he is... Red...

Akeno: "Whispers" Red? As in THE Red? A descendant of the human who single-handedly fought both God and Lucifer to a standstill? At the same time, no less?

Rias: "whispers" Listen, if Y/n IS  the new Red, we're ALL in danger.

Kiba: "Whispers" Why?

Rias "Whispers" My brother killed his mother, the previous Red, when she refused to marry him. If HE is HERE, then he knows I'M here.

Issei: So? We have that mute emo outnumbered at least 7 to 1. He has no cha-

Koneko: *Punches Issei in the ribs* "Whispers" Perv, weren't you listening? His ancestor fought BOTH God and Lucifer. If we pick a fight, we're as good as dead.

Issei, I value you as much as the others, but you really ARE a dumbass sometimes...

Y/n pov: 

That should get Rias to understand just WHO she's dealing with...

I bow to the audience before taking my leave offstage. When I reach an isolated classroom, my partner, Gengar appears from the shadows. Me and him literally grew up together. His mom, a Dusknoir, was My mom's partner pokemon. I had him spy on Rias and her peerage during the talent show. The more information I acquire, the easier taking my vengeance will become.

Gengar: Gengar!

A/n: Just his entrance animation.

He then uses a combination of Psychic and Hypnosis that I like to call Telepathy to show me her peerage's conversation. So she has a Nekomata and the pervert in her deck... Honestly, the only one I feel bad for in her group is Ddraig. Poor dude is forced to be on the same hand he... *shivers*. Don't wanna think about it. 

Gengar: Gar... *heaves*

Man, even GENGAR's disgusted, and he's part POISON type! That's when you KNOW you need help!!!

Y/n: 'through Telepathy' Thanks for looking out for me, buddy. I owe ya one.

Gengar: 'Through Telepathy' No, you owe me TWO! I didn't risk my life using Dream Eater on the Perv to gather info for nothing!

Y/n: 'through telepathy' Burgers?

Gengar: 'Through telepathy' BURGERS!!!

A/n: and THAT'S A WRAP!!! If anyone has any ideas for Y/n's other Pokemon, Please tell me. Aside from that, See ya in chapter 2!

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