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Note: Me updating on a school day?  Unheard of. Seriously, I pulled this out of nowhere, and eh, I don't love it, but we have entered the "tying loose ends" chapters. So truly, these may get boring for a bit before the grand finale chapters. 

Oil and water don't mix well, but they can create such beautiful works of art. There's this marbleized feeling of stitching together the fabrics of two things that just don't become one. They weave and sway, creating something new yet all the same. Soukoku is the same, unable to be as one, but not entirely two, either. The trust and reliance within two souls create one, but with a distinct feeling to which they can not completely become a single entity or exist without the other. Like oil in water, they wish to repel, yet form the most beautiful things together.

Sitting in the corner of the room, curled in a chair, a brunette couldn't let go of his phone. How had he not noticed the strain? How come no matter how many times he goes through the recordings, he just can't seem to see the ginger's pain? Where had it started, where was the stress? The blue hashtag beneath the video, their name tagged as one... Soukoku... Was their joint debut truly that amazing? Perhaps, he can't enjoy it because the spotlight, the most important part of the duo, was still out. Not a sound, not a single change.

Why was this world so set on stealing away his dreams? Every time he grasps something, it falls through. This... all of this seems like life's mocking him itself. Eyes are focused on him, on their duo, and yet he can't do much, not as he is now... not without the ginger. "Dazai, you'll have to come back tomorrow." The brunette glanced from his phone, away from the fiftieth loop of that performance... It's annoying how many times he's looped the videos from all different angles. It's annoying how loud the media coverage is. Two up-and-coming stars, whose names were already well-known within their respective industries, collaborated, and debuted as a powerful duo shocking the musical world.

With a sharp sigh, the brunette slid off the seat, pulling the plug on his phone, his hand running through tangled strings, his eyes dropping to the ginger laying on his back. He looks at peace like this, beautiful and unharmed. If it were not for the medical equipment, he'd think this current moment seemed angelic in a way. Chuuya has always looked like an angel to Dazai, a vengeful powerful god with such a pretty face. "Yeah..." Just like every other day... coming and going as if he'll suddenly wake, never too deeply asleep, just in case that call comes in the hellish hours of the night.

"He might not wake up, you'll have to give up eventually." Turning back to Mori, Dazai's hair swung, hanging over his eyes. He knows his partner, his light... he knows how the ginger works, there is just no way. As long as his heart still beats, he'll fight. That's what Chuuya is after all. Chuuya fights, he's loud, obnoxious, fierce, bold, and an idiot. There's no reply needed, not right now. The whole world could think he was as good as dead, and Dazai would stand by his side and be there for when he did begin to wake from this. A week, it's only been a week, so why are they all losing hope already? He's in no worse condition, no better either, but isn't stable enough? Isn't it enough that he didn't die that day? How come this is resulting in people giving up, in constant messages checking in on him? He's fine... he's got Chuuya, and a future ahead of him.

The atmosphere remains heavy, annoyingly heavy. Sitting in his room, Dazai holds his phone in his hands... he missed having his phone, missed being able to aimlessly scroll social media. Why did it take nearly losing Chuuya to regain his freedoms? The familiar ringtone of his phone going off provides no soothing waves through his body as he waits for the other side of the line to be picked up. "Dazai? It's been a while. I was starting to worry." The soothing hum of his friend's voice... he didn't realize he'd missed talking to him until now.

"Things just got a little hectic... I'm sure you've seen the news by now, right Odasaku? Besides that, nothing much is new. I get to stay though, he's letting me pursue this... Chibi's in the hospital still. Sorry, I didn't have the energy to call earlier, and the only texts I've been sending were one or two words or just an emoji." Dazai's voice lacked anything, though there was so much in his head, within his very being, his voice made it seem like the man speaking was but an empty suit of skin. It tended to happen when he was overwhelmed with emotions he didn't understand or with concepts revolving around himself. He's just not feeling well today. He doesn't want to admit it, but with every hour he is beginning to wonder if Chuuya will ever open his eyes.

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